Menu Descrip tion P lay/St op
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MagicColor is a new technology that Samsung has exclusively
developed to improve digital image and to d isplay natural col or
more clearly without disturbing image quality.
Off Re turns to the original mode.
Demo The screen before app lying MagicColor appears
on the right and the screen after applying
MagicColor appears on the left.
Full Displays not only vivid natural c olor but also
more realistic na tural skin co lor with clearne ss.
Intelligent Displays vivid natural color with c learness.
Color T one
The tone of the color can be changed and one of four modes
can be selected -Cool, Normal, Warm and Custom.
( Not available in Mag icColor mode of Ful l and Intelligent. )
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Color Co ntrol
Adjusts individual Red, Green, Blue color balance. -Red, Green,
( Not available in Mag icColor mode of Ful l and Intelligent. )
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Gamma correction changes the luminance of the colors with
intermediate luminance.
- Mode 1
- Mode 2
- Mode 3
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