Do not wash the integrated filter with water. Always keep them away from moisture while the air purifier is in use.

Do not use the product for a long time in a place where you cook. Lifetime of the filter will be shortened significantly and replacement term will be quickened as well.

-- Open the windows to ventilate the room while cooking and use the air purifier to remove the remaining odor when cooking is done.

Cleaning and replacement interval of the filter may vary depending on the operating environment.


Replacement interval of the Integrated filter is between minimum 6 months to maximum 1 year based on 24 hours of operation per day. (You can use the filter longer if the daily operation hours are shorter.) Replacement interval varies due to level of air pollution. If there’s heavy dust in the area it will result heavier accumulation in the filter which will shorten the interval. Filter replacement indicator will be turned on and notified you when it’s time to replace the filter. However, if the filter is too dirty, or if it smells, or if you feel the fan speed has gotten gradually weaker, you can replace it even though the filter replacement indicator has not turned on.

Clean the Pre filter at least once every two weeks. However, since the cleaning cycle is determined by the operating environment and the operating period, clean the filter more frequently when the air purifier is operating in a dusty environment.

When the Pre filter is heavily contaminated with dust, it is advisable to clean the dust first with a vacuum cleaner followed by water.

Operating the air purifier without the Pre filter may shorten the lifetime of the Integrated filter. Therefore, turn off the power before removing the filter.

HEPA filter is a high performing filter that eliminates microscopic dust and particles from cigarette smoke etc.

HEPA filter has been treated with an anti-allergen and effectively removes allergens from the air.

Deodorization filter is a high performing filter that effectively removes daily odors such as bathroom and food odors.

When the integrated filter is saturated with surrounding odors and you smell that odor when you operate the air purifier, replace the filter as it has reached end of its life.

You can purchase a new filter from a nearby Samsung Electronics service center.


maintenance and leaningC

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