using advanced functions


Turbo function will be helpful to cool or heat your room quickly and effectively by operating at the maximum fan speed for 30 minutes.

1.Turn on the air conditioner.

Press the Power button on the remote control.

2.Set the operating mode.

Press the Turbo button on the remote control until

Turbo indicator appears on the remote control display.

The air conditioner operates in Auto fan speed and automatically adjusts the temperature according to the current room temperature. The unit operates for

30 minutes and then operates in last used mode, or in Auto mode if Dry/Fan mode is most recent mode used.

Turbo function is only available in Auto/Cool/Heat mode. If Turbo function is selected in Dry/Fan mode, operating mode changes to Auto.

To deactivate Turbo function

1. Press the Turbo button on the remote control again.

The air conditioner operates in last used mode, or in Auto mode if Dry/Fan mode is most recent mode used.

￿When you are using the remote control, make sure corresponding indicator appears on

the remote control display.

￿￿ Temperature/Fan speed cannot be adjusted while using this function.

￿Air flow can be adjusted manually. (See page 19 for instructions.)

￿￿ When the Turbo function is activated, pressing Mode button will automatically cancel the function

20_ using advanced functions