Samsung AR24MSPDBWKNEU, AR18MSPDBWKNEU Troubleshooting, Resetting the filter-cleaning reminder


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Resetting the filter-cleaning reminder

Indoor unit display


If the air conditioner operates abnormally, refer to the following chart to save time and unnecessary expenses.






• Check the power status, then operate the air


conditioner again.


• Switch on the circuit breaker, plug in the

The air

power cord, then operate the air conditioner

conditioner does


not work at all.

• Make sure that the isolator is turned on.


• Check whether the Timed off function is


running. Operate the air conditioner again by


pressing the Power button.




• Check whether the Fan or Fast mode is

I cannot change

running. In these modes, the air conditioner

the temperature.

controls the set temperature automatically,


and you cannot change the set temperature.



Cleaning and Maintenance

English 29

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Samsung AR24MSPDBWKNEU, AR18MSPDBWKNEU manual Troubleshooting, Resetting the filter-cleaning reminder