advanced functions

Adjusting the Aspect Ratio (EZ View)

To play back using aspect ratio (DVD)

Press the EZ VIEW button.

-The screen size changes when the button is pressed repeatedly.

-The screen zoom mode operates differently depending on the screen setting in the Display Setup menu.

-To ensure correct operation of the EZ VIEW button, you should set the correct aspect ratio in the Display Setup menu. (See pages 29 to 31).



If you are using a 4:3 TV

For 16:9 aspect ratio discs

-4:3 Letter Box

Displays the content of the DVD title in 16:9 aspect ratio. The black bars will appear at the top and bottom of the screen.

-4:3 Pan Scan

The left and right portions of the screen are cut off and the central portion of the 16:9 screen is displayed.


The top and bottom portions of the screen are cut off and a full screen appears. The picture will look vertically stretched.


The top, bottom, left and right of the screen are cut off and

the central portion of the screen is enlarged.

For 4:3 aspect ratio discs

-Normal Screen

Displays the content of the DVD title in 4:3 aspect ratio.


The top and bottom portions of the screen are cut off and the full screen appears. The picture will look vertically stretched.


The top, bottom, left and right portions of the screen are cut off and the central portion of the screen is enlarged.


If you are using a 16:9 TV

For 16:9 aspect ratio discs


Displays the content of the DVD title in 16:9 aspect ratio.


The top and bottom portions of the screen are cut off. When playing a 2.35:1 aspect ratio disc, the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen will disappear. The picture will look vertically stretched. (Depending on a type of disc, the black bars may not disappear completely.)


The top, bottom, left and right of the screen are cut off and the central portion of the screen is enlarge

For 4:3 aspect ratio discs

-Normal Wide

Displays the content of the DVD title in 16:9 aspect ratio. The picture will look horizontally stretched.


The top and bottom portions of the screen are cut off and the full screen appears.

The picture will look vertically stretched.


The top, bottom, left and right portions of the screen are cut off and the central portion of the screen is enlarged.

-Vertical Fit

When a 4:3 DVD is viewed on a 16:9 TV, black bars will appear at the left and right of the screen in order to prevent the picture from looking horizontally stretched.


This function may behave differently depending on the type of disc.

Selecting the Audio


You can select a desired audio language quickly and easily with the AUDIO button.

Using the AUDIO button (DVD/ MPEG4)

1.Press the AUDIO button. The Audio changes when the button is pressed repeatedly.

The audio languages are






represented by




















ENG Dolby Digital 5.1CH










Press AUDIO button at













remocon repeatedly to














select the desired Audio











MP3 1/1












on MPEG4 then press









the ENTER .

















2.To remove the AUDIO icon, press the CANCEL or RETURN button.

English _19