Zmena uhla záberu kamery

Niektoré filmy na DVD vám poskytujú moÏnosÈ pohºadov na rovnakú scénu z rôznych kamier a z rôznych uhlov. Ak chcete túto funkciu aktivovaÈ stlaãte tlaãidlo ANGLE.

PouÏívanie funkcie ANGLE (UHOL) (DVD)

Ak disk obsahuje viacnásobné uhly, zobrazí sa na obrazovke nápis ANGLE (UHOL).

1.Poãas prehrávania stlaãte na diaºkovom ovládaãi laãidlo










2. Stlaãte tlaãidlá

/ a vyberte moÏnosÈ Function (Funkcia).


Potom stlaãte tlaãidlo

alebo ENTER.




Stlaãte tlaãidlá

/ a vyberte moÏnosÈ Angle. Potom


stlaãte tlaãidlo

alebo ENTER.































































EZ View



















Return Menu








Stlaãte tlaãidlá tlaãidla

/ vyberte oznaãenú uhol,


môÏete tieÏ pouÏiÈ pomocou tlaãidla s ãislami na


diaºkovom ovládaní.















PouÏití funkce záloÏiek (Bookmark Function)

Tato funkce vám umoÏÀuje oznaãovat úseky na DVD nebo VCD (reÏim Menu Off), abyste je pozdûji mohli snadno najít.

PouÏití funkce Bookmark (ZáloÏka) (DVD/VCD)

1.Poãas prehrávania stlaãte na diaºkovom ovládaãi tlaãidlo MENU..


Stlaãte tlaãidlá

/ a vyberte moÏnosÈ Function



(Funkcia). Potom stlaãte tlaãidlo



alebo ENTER.





































































EZ View





























Stlaãte tlaãidlá

/ a vyberte moÏnosÈ Bookmark



(ZáloÏka). Potom stlaãte tlaãidlo



alebo ENTER.









- - -









Keì sa dostanete k scéne, ktorú chcete oznaãiÈ,


tlaãidlo ENTER. Naraz moÏno oznaãiÈ aÏ tri scény.



Ak má disk iba jeden uhol, táto funkcia nefunguje. V súãasnosti obsahuje túto vlast- nosÈ veºmi málo diskov.

PouÏívanie funkcie okamÏitého opakovaného prehrávania alebo preskoãenia (Instant Replay/Skip Function)

PouÏívanie funkcie okamÏitého opakovaného prehrávania (Instant Replay function) (DVD)

Ak zme‰káte nejakú scénu, pomocou tejto funkcie si ju môÏete pozrieÈ znovu.

Stlaãte tlaãidlo INSTANT


-Súãasná scéna sa posunie o asi 10 sekúnd naspäÈ a znovu sa prehrá.

PouÏívanie funkcie okamÏitého preskoãenia (Instant Skip function) (DVD)

PouÏite túto funkciu na preskoãenie prehrávania o asi 10 sekúnd vpred v súãasnej scéne.

Stlaãte tlaãidlo INSTANT SKIP (OKAMÎITÉ PRESKOâENIE). - Prehrávanie preskoãí vpred 10 sekúnd.


V závislosti na disku, Pri niektor˘ch diskoch tieto funkcie nefungujú.

1 - -



-Táto funkcia funguje, keì je VCD2.0 iba v reÏime Menu Off. Vyberte reÏim Menu Off stlaãením tlaãidla DISC MENU.

-Pri niektor˘ch diskoch funkcia Bookmark (ZáloÏka) nefunguje.

Prehrávanie oznaãenej scény

1~3. Prvé kroky 1~3 sú také isté, ako pre “PouÏívanie funkcie záloÏiek (Bookmark Function) na strane 21.

4. Pomocou tlaãidla / vyberte oznaãenú scénu.

1 2 3


5.Tlaãidlom PLAY/PAUSE ( )preskoãte k oznaãenej scéne.

Mazanie záloÏky

1~3. Prvé kroky 1~3 sú také isté, ako pre “PouÏívanie funkcie záloÏiek (Bookmark Function) na strane 21.

4. Pomocou tlaãidiel / vyberte ãíslo tej záloÏky, ktorú chcete odstrániÈ.


Page 90
Image 90
Samsung DVD-HD860/FOU Zmena uhla záberu kamery, PouÏití funkce záloÏiek Bookmark Function, Prehrávanie oznaãenej scény

DVD-HD860/FOU, DVD-HD860/XEH, DVD-HD860/XEC, DVD-HD860/XEL specifications

The Samsung DVD-HD860 is a versatile and robust DVD player that combines advanced technology with user-friendly features, making it an ideal choice for home entertainment enthusiasts. This model is part of a series that includes variations such as the DVD-HD860/XEL, DVD-HD860/XEC, DVD-HD860/XEH, and DVD-HD860/FOU, ensuring that consumers can select a version that fits their specific needs.

One of the standout features of the Samsung DVD-HD860 is its ability to play a wide range of disc formats. It supports not only standard DVDs but also MP3 CDs, CD-Rs, and CD-RWs, which means users can enjoy their favorite music alongside their film collection. The player is also compatible with various video formats, such as JPEG and DivX, allowing for a more extensive multimedia experience.

In terms of video playback, the DVD-HD860 offers impressive upscaling capabilities, delivering enhanced picture quality for standard DVDs. By upscaling DVDs to 1080p, the player ensures that users can enjoy a cinematic experience on HD televisions, offering clarity and detail that revitalizes classic films and home videos.

Another notable technology featured in the Samsung DVD-HD860 is its Progressive Scan output, which significantly improves the quality of video playback by minimizing motion blur and delivering sharper images. This is especially evident in fast-paced content, making it a great choice for action movies or sports programming.

The Samsung DVD-HD860 also boasts a user-friendly design, complete with an intuitive remote control that allows for easy navigation through menus and settings. The player supports various connection options, including HDMI, component, and composite outputs, making it compatible with a broad range of TVs and home theater systems.

Moreover, the built-in Dolby Digital decoder enhances audio playback quality, ensuring that users enjoy rich, immersive sound alongside their video content. The player’s sleek, compact design fits well into any entertainment setup, making it a stylish addition to living rooms or media centers.

Overall, the Samsung DVD-HD860 series stands out for its combination of advanced playback technology, extensive format compatibility, and user-friendly features. Its ability to upscale video and support multiple formats makes it a valuable device for anyone looking to enhance their home entertainment experience, ensuring that it remains a popular choice among consumers.