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Page 122
Image 122
Samsung DVD-HD950/XEV manual ‡ÈÎ MP3/WMA Á ‰ËÒÍÛ CD-R, ‡ÊÎË‚‡ ¥ÌÙÓχˆ¥fl, ‡‚‰Âì¥ ‚ˢ Âíóïâ쉇ˆ¥ª Ìâ Ïóêûú¸

DVD-HD950/XEV specifications

The Samsung DVD-HD950/XEV is a versatile and stylish DVD player designed to provide an immersive home entertainment experience. This sleek device stands out in both performance and aesthetics, making it a popular choice among audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts alike.

One of the key features of the DVD-HD950/XEV is its support for high-definition upscaling. Equipped with advanced video processing technology, it enhances standard-definition DVDs to near high-definition quality, making use of its HDMI output to deliver sharp images and vibrant colors. This ensures that older DVD collections look better than ever when viewed on high-definition displays.

The DVD player supports a wide range of disc formats, including DVD-Video, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and CD formats. Additionally, it can handle various media types such as MPEG-2, JPEG, and MP3, providing flexibility for users who enjoy different types of content. The inclusion of progressive scan technology allows for smoother motion and clarity, particularly beneficial for fast-paced films and action sequences.

Another standout technology in the DVD-HD950/XEV is its built-in DVD audio capability. This feature provides high-quality audio playback, making it an excellent choice for music lovers as well. With support for various audio formats, it delivers rich sound fidelity that complements its visual performance.

Connectivity options are abundant with the DVD-HD950/XEV, featuring multiple outputs including HDMI, component video, and composite video outputs. This variety allows for seamless integration with various home theater systems and enhances user convenience. The HDMI output is particularly significant as it offers a single cable solution for both audio and video, reducing cable clutter.

User-friendly features such as a well-designed remote control and an intuitive on-screen menu enhance the user experience. The player also includes multiple playback options, including repeat and shuffle modes, making it easy for users to enjoy their favorite movies or music.

In summary, the Samsung DVD-HD950/XEV combines cutting-edge technologies and user-friendly features, making it an excellent DVD player for anyone looking to elevate their home entertainment experience. Its ability to upscale video, support multiple formats, and deliver high-quality audio positions it as a versatile solution for both movie nights and music sessions. With a sleek design and robust feature set, the DVD-HD950/XEV is a solid choice for any home theater setup.