Samsung EC-ST45ZZBPASA ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ ǐƈǨ ɬűȤƾų ǍǦƪɭƾƵſ ɞȶȤ ǍɭǞƫů, ǁŴȚ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǚŮƾɨ ȲƾƫůȚ, ǛǥŮȤȶȢ ɬƶź ǑƲſ


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ȝƾžNjų ǎɨȚǍž ƾŮ ȦƾƢ ȥȚ ǐǥǨ

ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ ǐƈǨ ɬűȤƾų ǍǦƪɭƾƵſ ɞȶȤ ǍɭǞƫů

ǁŴȚ ȵNjƪſ ǚƫƄž ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ǝŮ ɬƄŴȤȢ ǝŮ ɬűȤƾų ǍǦƪɭƾƵſ

.Njǥƶɨ ɬŴȤǍŮ ȚȤ ȲƾƫůȚ ɞƾƀ ǚŮƾɨ o ǁŴȚ ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨ ȤȢ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ɞƾƀ ǚɭƾź

.ǁŴȚ ȴȕ ȤȢ ǁŴȤȢ ɞƾƀ ǚɭƾź ǝɨ Njǥƶɨ ȢȤȚȶ ȚȤ ɞȚ ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨ o

.ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ ȵȢȚȢ ǐɭƾƵſ [ɬűȤƾų ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨ] ǚɭƾź ȆǝſƾɭȚȤ ǍǬǞƆƄƉű ȥȚ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȳƾǦƶƀ

ǁŴȚ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǚŮƾɨ ȲƾƫůȚ

.Njǥƶɨ ɬŴȤǍŮ ȚȤ ȲƾƫůȚo ǁŴȚ ȧǞžƾų ǜǥŮȤȶȢ

.Njǥƶɨ ǜŵȶȤ ȚȤ ǜǥŮȤȶȢo

ȆXP ȥȶNjƶɭȶ Ȇ2000 ȥȶNjƶɭȶ ȆȢȤȚǞž ȥȚ ɧɭ Ƕǥƀ ǚžƾŸ ǛƄƉǥŴ ȚȤ USB ǝſƾɭȚȤ ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž .ǁƉǥſ ǍůNjɭNjű ƾɭ Mac OS 10.3 / Vista ƾƄƉɭȶ ȥȶNjƶɭȶ

Njƶɳſ ɬſƾƃǥƄƪǨ Njǥƶɨ ƿƫſ ȚȤ ǍůNjɭNjű ƾɭ Mac OS 10.3 / Vista ƾƄƉɭȶ ȥȶNjƶɭȶ ȆXP ȥȶNjƶɭȶ Ȇ2000 ȥȶNjƶɭȶo

.Njƶɨ ɬſƾƃǥƄƪǨ ȚȤ USB ƾů

.ȢǞŵ ɬž Ǎƀƾŷ ȴȕ ȤȢ ǝƭƲſ ƾɭ ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ ǜŵȶȤ ȝƾŻȶȚ ɬƀƾǬ LCD ǝƇƱǧ ȥȚ ɬƪƈŮ

ȤǞƭŮ ƾƷƴƉɳǥǨ ɬƬƯŮ ȆȢǞŵ ɬž ǝƄųƾŴ ǽƾŮ ǁŻȢ ɞɉǞŽǞƶɳů ƾŮ LCD ǝƇƱǧ Njƶǩ Ǎƀ

.ȢǞŵ ɬž Ǎƀƾŷ ɬŮȕ ȶ NjǥƱŴ ȆǎžǍŻ ɞƾƀ ǝƭƲſ ȶ NjſǞŵ ɬƵſ ǜŵȶȤ ɬŻƾƱůȚ

.ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ țǞƉƇž ȵƾǦƄŴȢ ɬŮȚǍų ȶ ȢȤȚNjſ ɞǍǥŰƾů ǓƃǤ ǍɭǞƫů ǁǥƱǥɨ ȤȢ ȵNjɭNjǨ ǜɭȚ o

.ȢǞŵ ɬž Ǎƀƾŷ LCD ǝƇƱǧ ȤȢ ɬƲźȚ Ǔų ȆɬſȚȤǞſ ȵɉǞŴ ȥȚ ǜƄźǍǬ ǏɳŸ ȳƾǦƶƀ

ȆȵƾǥŴ ȆɞǍƄƉɨƾų ɬƲźȚ Ǔų ǁŴȚ ǜɳƵž ȆNjƶɨ ǍƪƄƶž ȢǞų ȥȚ ǜŵȶȤ ɞƾƀȤǞſ ȵɉǞŴ ǍǬȚ

.ȢǞŵ Ǎƀƾŷ ɬſȚǞŹȤȚ ƾɭ ǎžǍŻ ǜɭȚ .ȢȤȚNjſ ɞǍǥŰƾů ȵNjŵ ǓƃǤ ǍɭǞƫů ǁǥƱǥɨ ǍŮ ȶ ȢǞŵ ɬž ȵNjǥžƾſ ǝɳŽ ȵNjɭNjǨ ǜɭȚ o

.ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ țǞƉƇž ȵƾǦƄŴȢ ɬŮȚǍų ȵNjɭNjǨ

Njƶɨ ɬƵſ ǚƵŸ ȧǾź

ǁŴȚ ȵNjŵ țƾƈƄſȚ ȧǞžƾų ȧǾź ǁŽƾŲ

.Njǥƶɨ ǞưŽ ȚȤ ȧǞžƾų ȧǾź ǁŽƾŲo

Njƶɨ ȵȢƾƱƄŴȚ ȧǾź ȥȚ NjſȚǞů ɬƵſ ǝɨ ǁŴȚ ɬƄŽƾŲ ȤȢ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ (27 Ȩ) .Njǥƶɨ ȬǞűȤ ȧǾź ǝŮ ȪǞŮǍž ǚƵƯŽȚȤǞƄŴȢ ǝŮo

ǁŴȚ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǁŸƾŴ ȶ NJɭȤƾů

ȵȢǍɨ ȲƾƵŸȚ ȚȤ ȩǍź ǐǥǨ ȝƾƵǥƮƶů ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ƾɭ ȶ NjſȚ ȵNjŵ ǛǥƮƶů ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǁŸƾŴ ȶ NJɭȤƾů


.Njǥƶɨ ǛǥƮƶů ȵȤƾŮȶȢ ȚȤ ǁŴȤȢ ǁŸƾŴ ȶ NJɭȤƾůo

Njƶƶɨ ɬƵſ ǚƵŸ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ɞƾƀ ǝƵɨȢ

ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ɬƶź ǑƲſ

.NjǥɭƾƵſ ǜŵȶȤ ȚȤ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȶ Njǥƶɨ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȢȤȚȶ ȵȤƾŮȶȢ ȶ ȟȤƾų ȚȤ ɞǍůƾŮo

ǁŴȚ ȵȢȚȢ ȡȤ ȝȤƾɨ ɞƾƭų ȆǁŴȚ ǜǥŮȤȶȢ ȴȶȤȢ ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨ ǝɳǥŽƾŲ ȤȢ

ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǁžǍź

.Njǥƶɨ ǁžǍź ȵȤƾŮȶȢ ȚȤ ǝƮźƾŲ ȝȤƾɨo

NjſǞŵ ɬƵſ ǐƈǨ Ǎɭȶƾƫů

(DCF ǁžǍź ȥȚ ɬƭƈů) ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǚɭƾź ȳƾſ

.NjǥƀNjſ Ǎǥǥưů ȚȤ ǏɳŸ ǚɭƾź ȳƾſo

ȢȤȚȢ ȝȶƾƱů ǝƶƇǧ ɬƯŻȚȶ ƩſȤ ƾŮ ǍɭǞƫů ƩſȤ

ǁŴȚ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǁɳźȚ ȝƾƵǥƮƶů ƾɭ ɞNjǥƱŴ ȴȥȚǞů

.Njǥƶɨ țƾƈƄſȚ ȚȤ ƿŴƾƶž ǁɳźȚ ȶ ɞNjǥƱŴ ȴȥȚǞůo

NjƶƄƉƀ ǜŵȶȤ ɞȢƾɭȥ NjŲ ƾů Ǎɭȶƾƫů

ǁŴȚ NjŲ ȥȚ ǐǥŮ ɬƀȢȤǞſ

.Njǥƶɨ ǛǥƮƶů ȵȤƾŮȶȢ ȚȤ ɬƀȢȤǞſ ǚɭNjƯů o


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Samsung EC-ST45ZZBPASA ȢǞŵ ɬƵſ ǐƈǨ ɬűȤƾų ǍǦƪɭƾƵſ ɞȶȤ ǍɭǞƫů, ǁŴȚ ȵƾƃƄŵȚ ǚŮƾɨ ȲƾƫůȚ, NJǥƶɨ ǜŵȶȤ ȚȤ ǜǥŮȤȶȢo, ǛǥŮȤȶȢ ɬƶź ǑƲſ


The Samsung EC-ST45 series of compact digital cameras, including models EC-ST45ZZBPBE1, EC-ST45ZZAAA, EC-ST45ZZBPUSA, EC-ST45ZZDPRME, and EC-ST45ZZBPRE1, blend portability with advanced imaging technologies, making them an excellent choice for both amateur photographers and seasoned enthusiasts. These cameras boast remarkable features that cater to a wide range of photography needs while ensuring ease of use and impressive image quality.

One of the key highlights of the EC-ST45 models is their sleek, lightweight design that easily fits in pockets or small bags, making them ideal companions for travel and everyday use. The cameras are equipped with a powerful 12-megapixel sensor that captures stunning details, vibrant colors, and sharp images. This imaging capability is complemented by a 5x optical zoom lens, allowing users to get closer to their subjects without compromising on picture quality.

In addition to their robust hardware, the EC-ST45 series incorporates advanced digital imaging technologies, including Smart Auto feature, which intelligently analyzes the shooting environment and selects the optimal settings to ensure perfect exposure and clarity. This technology is particularly beneficial for beginner photographers who may be unfamiliar with manual settings.

Moreover, the EC-ST45 cameras support several creative shooting modes, enabling users to experiment with different styles and effects, such as Panorama, Frame Guide, and various scene modes tailored for specific situations. These functions enhance the versatility of the cameras, encouraging users to get creative with their photography.

To further enhance the user experience, the cameras come with a large, bright LCD screen that provides clear visibility even in bright sunlight. The intuitive user interface ensures that users can navigate menus and settings effortlessly, making it easy to capture stunning photographs in no time.

Additionally, video recording capabilities allow for capturing high-resolution videos, making the EC-ST45 cameras suitable not only for still photography but also for creating dynamic multimedia content. With features like face detection and smile shot, users can ensure optimal focus and capture genuine moments with ease.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ST45ZZBPBE1, EC-ST45ZZAAA, EC-ST45ZZBPUSA, EC-ST45ZZDPRME, and EC-ST45ZZBPRE1 models stand out due to their combination of portability, advanced imaging capabilities, and user-friendly design. These compact cameras offer an excellent option for those looking to capture life's moments without the bulk and complexity of professional equipment. Whether you're exploring a new city or attending family events, the EC-ST45 series is equipped to deliver high-quality photos and videos effortlessly.