Samsung EC-WB380FBPWE1 manual Editing a photo, Resizing photos, Rotating a photo, Touch to save


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Editing a photo

Learn how to edit photos.

The camera will save edited photos as new files.

Edited photos may be converted to a lower resolution.

You cannot edit photos while viewing files as a folder. Open the folder and select a photo to edit each photo.

Photos captured in some modes cannot be edited.

Resizing photos

Change the size of a photo and save it as a new file.

1Rotate the mode dial to g, and then select .

You can also press [m], and then select Edit Image.

2Rotate [Zoom] to the left or touch to select a photo.

3Touch , and then touch an option.

Resize : 2592 X 1944

4Touch to save.

Available resize options differ depending on the original size of the photo.

Rotating a photo

1Rotate the mode dial to g, and then select .

You can also press [m], and then select Edit Image.

2Rotate [Zoom] to the left or touch to select a photo.

3 Touch , and then touch an option.

Rotate : Right 90˚

4Touch to save.

The camera will overwrite the original file.

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Samsung EC-WB380FBPWE1 Editing a photo, Resizing photos, Rotating a photo, Rotate the mode dial to g, and then select