CHECK - Used to finalize the transaction in cheque sales in REG and VOID
Used to convert check into cash in REG mode.
CASH/TEND - Used to finalize cash sales in REG and VOID mode.
Used to calculate the change in REG and VOID mode.
Used to read the Daily financial report in X mode.
Used to read and reset Daily financial report in Z mode.
Used to read the programming report in PGM mode.
CLERK - The register will operate without any clerk signing on operation
in default status. However, all entries made on the register
will report to one of the 4 clerk totals.
Used to sign on and sign off in REG and VOID mode.
Used to set up clerk's secret code in PGM mode.
Used to read the Clerk Report in X mode.
Used to read and reset Clerk Report in Z mode.
CANCEL - Used to cancel transactions in REG and VOID mode.