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Mikroto’lqinli pechingizda yog’li kirlar va ovqat zarrachalari to’planishining oldini olish uchun uning quyidagi qismlarini muntazam tozalab turish kerak.

Pechning ichki va tashqi yuzalari

Pech eshikchasi va eshikcha zichlagichlari

Aylanuvchi patnis va rolikli taglik

DOIMO eshikcha zichlagichlarini toza saqlang va eshikchaning zich yopilishini nazorat qiling.

Agar pech toza saqlanmasa, yuzasining shikastlanishi sodir bo’lishi mumkin, bu esa qurilmaning xizmat qilish muddatini qisqartish hamda xavfli holatlarning vujudga kelishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

1.Pechning tashqi yuzalarini yumshoq latta va iliq sovunli suv bilan tozalang. Sovunli suvni yuvib tashlang va quruq qilib arting.

2.Ichki yuzalar va rolikli taglikdan barcha tomchilar va dog’larni sovunli suvda ho’llangan latta bilan arting. Sovunli suvni yuvib tashlang va quruq qilib arting.

3.Qotib qolgan ovqat zarralarini yumshatish va hidlarni yo’q qilish uchun limon sharbatiga suv qo’shilgan chashkani aylanuvchi patnisga qo’ying va o’n daqiqa davomida quvvatning maksimal darajasida isiting.

4.Tarelkani zaruratga qarab idish yuvadigan mashinada yuvish ham mumkin.

Ventilyatsiya tirqishlariga suv tushishiga YO’L QO’YMANG. HECH QACHON abraziv materiallar va kimyoviy erituvchi moddalardan foydalanmang. Eshik zichlagichlarini tozalashda ovqat zarrachalari:

ularda to’planib qolmasligiga;

eshikning normal yopilishiga xalaqit bermasligiga alohida e’tibor qarating.

Har bir foydalanishdan keyin pech ichini yumshoq yuvish vositasi eritmasidan foydalangan holda tozalang, biroq kuyishning oldini olish uchun avval pechning sovushini kuting.


Mikroto’lqinli pechni o’rnatishda va unga xizmat ko’rsatishda bir nechta oddiy ehtiyot choralari ko’rilishi lozim.

Agar pechning eshigi va eshik zichlagichlari shikastlangan bo’lsa, uni ishlatish mumkin emas.

Halqalari singan bo’lsa

Zichlagich yemirilgan bo’lsa

Korpus deformatsiyalangan yoki bukilgan bo’lsa

Pechni ta’mirlash ishlari faqat mikroto’lqinli pechlar bo’yicha malakali mutaxassis tomonidan bajarilishi kerak.

Pechning tashqi qoplamasini YECHIB OLMANG. Agar pech nosoz bo’lsa va uni ta’mirlash talab qilinsa, yoki sizni uning holati shubhalantirsa, quyidagi harakatlarni bajaring.

Uni tarmoq rozetkasidan uzib qo’ying

Yaqinda joylashgan xizmat ko’rsatish markaziga murojaat qiling

Agar pechingizni vaqtinchalik saqlashga olib qo’ymoqchi bo’lsangiz, unda quruq va changsiz joyni tanlang.

Sababi: Chang va namlik pechning ishchi qismlariga zararli ta’sir ko’rsatishi mumkin.

Ushbu pech tijorat maqsadlarida foydalanish uchun mo’ljallanmagan.



GE731KR_BWT_DE68-04050N-07_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 31

2017-02-01 ￿￿ 2:33:52

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Samsung GE732KR-S/BWT, GE733KR/BWT manual MIKROTO’LQINLI Pechni Tozalash, MIKROTO’LQINLI Pechni Saqlash VA TA’MIRLASH

GE732KR-S/BWT, GE733KR-X/BWT, GE733KR/BWT specifications

The Samsung GE733KR/BWT, GE733KR-X/BWT, and GE732KR-S/BWT are advanced microwave ovens that embody Samsung’s commitment to innovation and quality in kitchen appliances. These models are designed to provide efficient cooking solutions with user-friendly features that enhance the overall cooking experience.

One of the standout features of these microwave ovens is their powerful performance. With a high wattage output, these microwaves ensure that food is cooked evenly and quickly. The GE733KR/BWT and GE733KR-X/BWT models come with a capacity of 23 liters, making them suitable for small to medium-sized households, while the GE732KR-S/BWT offers a slightly smaller capacity, ideal for compact kitchens.

These microwave ovens incorporate Samsung’s innovative Triple Distribution System, which utilizes three microwave outlets instead of one. This technology ensures that heat is distributed throughout the cavity more evenly, eliminating cold spots and ensuring that food is heated uniformly. This feature is particularly beneficial when reheating or defrosting items, as it enhances cooking efficiency and quality.

The ceramic enamel interior of these models offers not only a sleek look but also makes cleaning much easier. Unlike conventional interiors, the ceramic coating helps prevent the buildup of stains and odors, allowing for simpler maintenance and hygiene. Additionally, it is scratch-resistant and durable, ensuring the longevity of the appliance.

Another key feature of the Samsung GE microwave ovens is their smart sensor cooking capabilities. This technology automatically adjusts cooking time and power levels based on the food being prepared, taking the guesswork out of microwave cooking. With one-touch settings for various food items, users can simply select the desired option for perfect results every time.

In terms of design, these models boast a modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into any kitchen decor. The sleek exterior is complemented by an easy-to-use control panel, making it user-friendly for cooks of all levels. Moreover, with features such as a child safety lock, these microwaves also prioritize safety in busy households.

Overall, the Samsung GE733KR/BWT, GE733KR-X/BWT, and GE732KR-S/BWT models exemplify the blend of style, convenience, and advanced technology, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable microwave oven that caters to modern cooking needs while saving time and ensuring great taste in every dish.