Color Temperature


How to adjust

Color Temperature

- Color temperature is a measure of the "warmth" of the image colors.

1. Push the Menu button.

2. Push the [ - ] button or [ + ] button until the Color Temperature screen is displayed.

3. Push the Menu button to open the Color Temperature adjustment screen.

4. Press the [ - ] button or [ + ] button to select User Adjusted, Reddish, Bluish or sRGB .

(When you adjust the Brightness and Contrast after sRGB mode is selected, sRGB mode exits)

Color Control


How to adjust

Color Tontrol

- Follow these steps to adjust individual R,G,B color control.

1. Push the Menu button.

2. Push the [ - ] button or [ + ] button until the Color Control screen is displayed.

3. Push the Menu button to open the Color Control adjustment screen.

Use the [-] or [+] button to select R(ed)

G(reen_ or B(lue) and push the Menu button

4. Press the [ - ] button or [ + ] button to adjust the color setting