Samsung GH68-23417A Browse the web, Use the Google services, Browse web pages, Connect to Search

Models: GH68-23417A

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using basic functions

Browse the web

Learn to access and bookmark your favourite web pages.

Browse web pages

1.In Menu mode, select Optus Zoo → Home to launch your service provider’s homepage.

2.Navigate web pages using the following keys:

Key Function

Navigation Scroll up or down on a web page


Select an item

<Back> Return to the previous page

<Options> Access a list of browser options

Bookmark your favourite web pages

1.In Menu mode, select Optus Zoo → Bookmarks.

2.Press <Options> → Add bookmark.

3.Enter a page title and a web address (URL).

4.Press <Save>.

Use the Google services

If the Navigation service is available, the Google service is unavailable. For information about Navigation, refer to the user manual included on the supplied CD.

Connect to Search

1.In Menu mode, select Google → Search.

2.Enter a keyword in the search box.


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Samsung GH68-23417A manual Browse the web, Use the Google services, Browse web pages, Bookmark your favourite web pages