
Learn to create and send text (SMS) or multimedia (MMS) messages, and view or manage messages that you have sent or received.

You may incur additional charges for sending or receiving messages while you are outside your home service area. For details, contact your service provider.

››Send a text message

1 In the application list, select Messaging .

2 Add recipients:

Enter phone numbers manually and separate them with a semicolon or a comma.

Select phone numbers from your call, message, or contact lists by selecting .

3 Select the text field and enter your message text.

To insert emoticons, press the Option key and select Insert smiley.

4 To send the message, select .

››Send a multimedia message

1 In the application list, select Messaging .

2 Add recipients:

Enter phone numbers or email addresses manually and separate them with a semicolon or a comma.

Select phone numbers or email addresses from your call, message, or contact lists by selecting .

When you enter an email address, the device will convert the message to a multimedia message.
