While viewing the map, you can use the following options:

To search for a place around you, select .


To get directions to a specific destination .


To view my location, select .

To view a list of ways to get to a location, select

directions list.

To view a list of all results for your search, select

search results.


To clear all information for your search on the map, select clear map.

To view a list of your favourite places, select favourite places.

To hide or show marks for favourite places on the map, select hide favourites or show favourites.

To view the map in aerial view, select aerial view on.

To customise the settings for the map, select settings.

››Get directions to a specific destination





In Menu mode, select Maps .

Enter the addresses of the starting location and the ending location and then select .

Select a travel route to view details of your trip. When you are finished, select clear map.
