
change wallpaper: Change the background image for the lock screen.

Show artist when playing music: Set to show the artist’s name when playing music from the Start screen.

Screen times out after: Set the length of period the device waits before locking the touch screen.

Password: Activate or deactivate the device lock feature to require a device password before using the device. To activate the device lock feature, you must create a password.

change password: Change the device password. This option is available only when you activate the device lock feature.

Require a password after: Set the length of time the device waits before locking itself. This option is available only when you activate the device lock feature.


Activate the GPS feature for finding locations.

››mobile network

Active network: View the network that you are currently using.

Data connection: Set to allow packet switched networks for network services.

Data roaming options: Set the device to connect to another network when you are roaming or your home network is not available.

Network selection: Set the network selection method to automatic or manual.

add apn: Set up an access point name.
