
Call duration

To view the durations of your last call, dialled number, received call, or all calls, in Menu mode, select Tools → Log → Call duration.

Packet data

To view the amount of sent or received packet data, in Menu mode, select Tools → Log → Packet data.

Communication log

You can view communication details and filter logs with the communication log.

View the communication log

1.In Menu mode, select Tools → Log.

2.Select to switch to the communication log.

Some events, such as a text message split into multiple parts, will appear as one communication event.

Filter log events

1.In Menu mode, select Tools → Log.

2.Select to switch to the communication log.

3.Select Options → Filter.

4.Select a filter type.

Erase the communication log

To permanently erase all of the log contents,

1.In Menu mode, select Tools → Log.

2.Select to switch to the communication log.

3.Select Options → Clear log.

4.Select Yes to confirm.