
Page settings

Load content: select whether you want to load images and other objects while browsing

Default encoding: If text characters are not shown correctly, select another according to language for the current page

Block pop-ups: allow or block pop-ups while browsing

Automatic reload: set to automatically refresh the web pages while browsing

Font size: define the font size that is used for web pagesPrivacy settingsRecently visited pages: enable or disable automatic bookmark collecting

Form data saving: to save the data you enter on a web page and use it the next time you open the page, select Off

Cookies: enable or disable the receiving and sending of cookies.
Web feeds settingsAutomatic updates: set web feeds to update automaticallyAcc. point for auto-update: set an access point to update web feedsUpdate when roaming: set to update web feeds while roaming

Add a bookmark

1.In Menu mode, select Web.

2.Select Options → Bookmark options → Add bookmark.

3.Enter the bookmark name, address, and access point, as well as a user name and password if desired.

4.Select Options → Save.