programs additional

Mobile social networking services

Your device supports mobile social networking services that allow you to share place information about restaurants and other businesses with others and locate places via GPS.

Upload place information

1.In Menu mode, select Samsung LBS → PlaceMe.

2.Enter your place information.

3.To add image, video, or sound files, select Options → Insert new or Insert media.

4.When you are finished, select Options → Send.

5.Select Yes to connect to the web service.

Find a friend’s current location

1.In Menu mode, select Samsung LBS → SpaceMe.

2.Select Options → Refresh to update the friend list.

3.Select Yes to connect to the web service.

4.Select a friend.

Search for a place

1.In Menu mode, select Samsung LBS → ExploreMe.

2.Enter information about a place to search.

3.Select Options → Explore.

4.Select Yes to connect to the web service.