››Voice search

The following options are available for Google voice recognition:

Language: Select a language for Google voice recognition.

Speech output: Set the device to provide voice feedback to alert you to the current action.

Block offensive words: Set to hide offensive words from voice search results.

Download offline speech recognition: Download and install language data for offline voice input.

The following options are available for Samsung voice recognition:

Language: Select a language for voice recognition.

Open via the home key: Set to launch the S Voice application by pressing the Home key twice.

Use location data: Set to use your location information for voice search results.

Hide offensive words: Set to hide offensive words from voice search results.

Help: View information about using the S Voice application.

About: View version information.

Voice cmd for apps: Set the device to recognise voice commands for controlling your device. You can select the features to control with voice commands.

Auto-start speaker: Set to turn on the speakerphone automatically when making a call with the S Voice application.

Show body of message: Set to view the text of a new message received while in Driving mode.
