
Browsing notes

Browse note thumbnails by scrolling up or down.



To sync notes with the Samsung account, tap



To sort notes by date, title, or others, tap

Sort by.


To change the view mode, tap

List view.



To create a note by importing a PDF, image file, or note, tap


To export notes as another file format, tap



To send the note to others, tap

Share via.



To create a folder, tap

Create folder.




To change the order of notes, tap


Change order.


To copy notes, tap







To move notes to another folder, tap



To change the S Note settings, tap




To access help information for S Note, tap



Viewing a note

Tap the note thumbnail to open it.





To move to other pages of the note, tap or .




To create a note, tap

Create note.




To send the note to others, tap


Share via.




To save the note as an image file or a PDF file, tap


To add or delete pages, tap

Edit pages.




To delete the note, tap





To add tags, tap

Add tag.





To save the note as an event, tap

Create event.



To add a shortcut to the note on the Home screen, tap

Set as shortcut.

To print the note via a USB or Wi-Fi connection, tap


Print. The device is only compatible

with some Samsung printers.






To set the note as wallpaper or to assign it to a contact, tap

Set as.