Sound sources, wallpapers, and images provided in this device are licenced for limited use between Samsung and their respective owners. Extracting and using these materials for commercial or other purposes is an infringement of copyright laws. Samsung is not liable for such copyright infringement by the user.

Please keep this manual for future reference.

Instructional icons

Before you start, familiarise yourself with the icons you will see in this manual:

Warning—situations that could cause injury to yourself or othersCaution—situations that could cause damage to your device or other equipment
Note—notes, usage tips, or additional information

Refer to—pages with related information; for example: p. 12 (represents“see page 12”)

Followed by—the order of options or menus you must select to perform a step; for example: In Menu mode, select Messages Compose (represents Messages, followed by Compose)

[ ] Square brackets—device keys; for example: [] (represents the End key)

Using this manual 3