News & Weather

Learn to view the weather information and read top news and other news articles.

››View the weather information

1 In Idle mode, open the application list and select News

& Weather.

2 Select Weather at the top of the screen.

Your device searches for your current location and displays the weather information.

You can change the location to view the weather information in another region. Press [] Settings Weather settings and clear the check box next to Use My Location. Then select a location in Set location.

››Read news articles


In Idle mode, open the application list and select News


& Weather.

Select a news topic at the top of the screen.


Select an article to open.

To add news topics, press [] Settings News settings Select news topics.

Samsung Apps

Samsung Apps allows you to simply and easily download an abundance of applications directly to your device. Featuring a wealth of games, news, reference, social networking, navigation, health related applications and more, Samsung Apps gives you instant access to a huge choice of mobile experience.
