RJP HDMI Option | Yes | All |
HDMI Music Mode | Yes | US and US Hsopital |
Sound Bar Out | Yes | All |
Video Out | Yes | ASIA Models only |
USB Media Mode | Yes | US and EU |
External Source Banner | Yes | All |
Auto Source | Yes | All |
Anynet+ Return Source | Yes | All Models except Hospital |
Sub Amp Mode | Yes | All except US |
Sub Amp Volume | Yes | All except US |
Pillow Speaker Type | Yes | Hospital Models Only |
Speaker Select | Yes | Hospital Models Only |
Pillow Volume | Yes | Hospital Models Only |
Energy Saving | Yes | All |
Energy Saving Timer | Yes | EU |
Welcome Message | Yes | All |
Edit Welcome Message | N/A | All |
Hospitality Logo | Yes | All |
Hospitality Logo DL | N/A | All |
Logo Display Time | Yes | All |
Clone TV to USB | N/A | All |
Clone USB to TV | N/A | All |
Setting Auto Initialize | Yes | All |
SIRCH Update Time | Yes | All except Brazil/ASIA_READY |
SIRCH Update Immediate | Yes | All except Brazil/ASIA_READY |
Manual SIRCH | N/A | All except Brazil/ASIA_READY |
SIRCH Channel | Yes | All except Brazil/ASIA_READY |
SIRCH Version | N/A | All except Brazil/ASIA_READY |
SIRCH Group ID | No | US |
REACH | Yes | All except Brazil/ASIA_READY |
IPG Room Type | No | Guestek |
CAS | Yes | US and US Hsopital |
PI AES Data | N/A | US and US Hsopital |
Self Diagnosis | N/A | All |
PI AES Log | Yes | US and US Hsopital |
View PI AES Log | N/A | US and US Hsopital |
SW Upgrade | N/A | All |
Service Pattern | Yes | All |
ATV Cable AGC Gain | Yes | US and US Hsopital |
DTV Open Cable AGC Gain | Yes | US and US Hsopital |
TV Reset | N/A | All |
26 English