Samsung HT-P10R/EDC manual ¿jttalerindstilling, Stop-indstilling Skal du trykke p MENU- knappen

Models: HT-P10R/EDC

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Signaludgang og frekvensreaktion fra h¿jttalerne justeres automatisk i overensstemmelse med din h¿jttalerkonfiguration, og om bestemte h¿jttalere bruges eller ej.

Indstilling af pr¿vetone



Brug Test Tone-funktionen til at kontrollere h¿jttalertilslutningerne og justere h¿jttalerniveauerne.

I stop-indstilling

1skal du trykke p MENU-knappen.

I h¿jttalerops tning

3 skal du trykke p ENTER-knappen igen.

Tryk p mark¿rknappen for at

2 g til Audio , og tryk derefter p ENTER- knappen.

Tryk p 4 mark¿rknapperne for at

g til den ¿nskede h¿jttaler, og tryk derefter p ENTER-knappen.

I stop-indstilling

1skal du trykke p MENU- knappen.

Tryk p mark¿rknappen for at

2 g til Audio , og tryk derefter p ENTER- knappen.

Tryk på markø rknappen

3 for at gå til ‘TEST TONE’, og tryk derefter på knappen ENTER.

Prø vetonen sendes til L › C › R › RS › LS › SW i den rækkefø lge.

Hvis der trykkes på knappen igen på dette tidspunkt, slukkes prø vetonen.

¥For C, LS og RS ndres indstillingen som f¿lger, hver gang der trykkes p knappen: SMALL NONE.

¥Indstillingen for L og R er SMALL.

Tryk p RETURN-knappen for at vende tilbage til det forrige niveau.

Tryk p MENU-knappen for at forlade ops tningssk rmen


SMALL: V lg denne indstilling, n r h¿jttalerne bruges.

NONE: V lg denne indstilling, n r der ikke er installeret h¿jttalere.

B e m r k

¥H¿jttalerindstillingen kan variere afh ngigt af PRO LOGIC og STEREO.


Alternativ metode: Tryk p TEST TONE-knappen p


V: Fronth¿jttaler (L)

C: Centerh¿jttaler

SW: Subwoofer

R: Fronth¿jttaler (H)

LS: Bagh¿jttaler (L)

RS: Bagh¿jttaler (H)



Tryk p TEST TONE-knappen.


Flerkanals Pro Logic-indstilling


¥Pr¿vetonen frembringes p f¿lgende m de:





N r du afspiller en dvd eller en cd, fungerer det





kun, n r der er standset.





¥Brug denne funktion til at kontrollere, at alle h¿jttalere er tilsluttet




korrekt, og at der ikke er problemer.





Sluk for pr¿vetonen





ved at trykke p TEST TONE-




knappen igen.





Page 21
Image 21
Samsung HT-P10R/EDC manual ¿jttalerindstilling, Stop-indstilling Skal du trykke p MENU- knappen, Tryk p Test TONE-knappen

HT-P10R/EDC specifications

Samsung has long been a stalwart name in the world of home entertainment systems, and its HT-P10R/EDC, HT-TP12R/ELS, and HT-P10R/ELS models continue to reinforce this reputation. Designed for audio enthusiasts, these home theater systems deliver an immersive sound experience, combining innovation with user-friendly design.

The HT-P10R/EDC features a sleek, compact design that integrates seamlessly into any home setup. Equipped with a powerful 5.1 channel surround sound system, it offers a dynamic audio experience, making it perfect for movie nights or music sessions. One of its standout features is the advanced Dolby Digital technology, which processes sound to provide rich, cinematic audio. Additionally, the system includes a dedicated subwoofer that enhances bass response, ensuring that every explosion, musical note, or dialogue is heard with clarity.

Moving to the HT-TP12R/ELS, this model takes home audio to the next level with its premium build quality and superior connectivity options. Supporting a wide range of audio formats, including MP3, WMA, and AAC, it allows users to enjoy their favorite tracks without compromising sound quality. The inclusion of HDMI output enables easy connection to high-definition TVs and other devices, while a USB port allows for direct playback from flash drives, making it incredibly versatile. Moreover, its built-in Bluetooth capability provides seamless audio streaming from smartphones or tablets, enhancing the user experience.

Finally, the HT-P10R/ELS shares many similarities with its HT-P10R/EDC counterpart but comes with added features tailored for enhanced functionality. This model boasts a user-friendly interface and remote, allowing easy navigation through settings and audio options. Additionally, it supports Samsung’s Smart Hub, which gives users access to streaming services and a range of apps directly from their home theater system.

All three models prioritize energy efficiency, helping reduce electricity consumption without sacrificing performance. Overall, the Samsung HT-P10R/EDC, HT-TP12R/ELS, and HT-P10R/ELS home theater systems exemplify a commitment to quality sound, intelligent design, and seamless user experience, making them ideal choices for those looking to elevate their home entertainment systems. With Samsung’s impressive track record in audio technology, these models continue to set a high standard for home theater systems.