7. nodaļa


Network Status

MENU m Network Network Status ENTER E

Varat pārbaudīt pašreizējo tīkla statusu.

Network Status

Your wireless network is set up and ready to use.

MAC Address

** : ** : **

: ** : ** : **

IP Address

***. ***. ***. ***.

Subnet Mask











Ready to play your business content.

-Run the Content Creator on your PC, then create and schedule your content. You can send it to the Signage TV using the wireless network.

-Refer to the Content Creator manual for more information.


IP Settings







-- Redzamais attēls var būt atšķirīgs atkarībā no modeļa.

Network Settings

MENU m Network Network Settings ENTER E

Izveidojiet savienojumu ar bezvadu tīklu un lietojiet izstrādājumu kā televizoru un reklāmas stendu, izmantojot programmu MagicInfo Express savā datorā.

Network Settings

Your wireless network is set up and ready to use.

Ready to play your business content.

-Run the Content Creator on your PC, then create and schedule your content. You can send it to the Signage TV using the wireless network.

-Refer to the Content Creator manual for more information.

-- Redzamais attēls var būt atšķirīgs atkarībā no modeļa.