Samsung LS40BPTNB/EDC, LS46BPTNS/EDC manual Delete ƩLjĮDŽǏĮijǀ, Publish Network ƩdžNjǎıǁİǑıdž ƩǁljIJǑǎ


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ĮȺǗ IJdžnj ĮNJNJĮDŽǀ IJǔnj İȺLjNJǎDŽǙnj IJǎǑ įLjĮljǎNjLjıIJǀ ljĮLj IJǔnj įǑnjĮIJǎIJǀIJǔnj IJǎǑ NJǎDŽĮǏLjĮıNjǎǘ ǒǏǀıIJdž.

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zƮNJİǁnjİLj IJǎ ȺǏǗDŽǏĮNjNjĮ. ƪƾnj ǑȺƾǏǒǎǑnj Njdž ĮȺǎLJdžljİǑNjƿnjİǐ ĮNJNJĮDŽƿǐ, İNjijĮnjǁDžİIJĮLj ƿnjĮ njƿǎ ȺĮǏƾLJǑǏǎ DŽLjĮ njĮ NjȺǎǏƿıİIJİ njĮ IJLjǐ ĮȺǎLJdžljİǘıİIJİ.

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zƴǏǎıLJǀljdž IJdžǐ ȺǏǎǃǎNJǀǐ ȺǎǑ LJƿNJİIJİ njĮ ȺǏǎDŽǏĮNjNjĮIJǁıİIJİ, Įijǎǘ İȺLjNJƿǍİIJİ ǎLJǗnjdž ljĮLj ǙǏĮ ljƾnjǎnjIJĮǐ ljNJLjlj ıIJǎ ȺĮǏƾLJǑǏǎ EPG.

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zƩLjĮDŽǏĮijǀ IJdžǐ IJǏƿǒǎǑıĮǐ İȺLjNJİDŽNjƿnjdžǐ ȺǏǎǃǎNJǀǐ ıIJǎ ȺĮǏƾLJǑǏǎ EPG. Copy (ƧnjIJLjDŽǏĮijǀ) / Paste (ƪȺLjljǗNJNJdžıdž)

zƧnjIJLjDŽǏĮijǀ ljĮLj İȺLjljǗNJNJdžıdž IJdžǐ IJǏƿǒǎǑıĮǐ İȺLjNJİDŽNjƿnjdžǐ ȺǏǎǃǎNJǀǐ, Įijǎǘ İȺLjNJƿǍİIJİ ǎLJǗnjdž ljĮLj ǙǏĮ ljƾnjǎnjIJĮǐ ljNJLjlj ıIJǎ ȺĮǏƾLJǑǏǎ EPG.

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zƩdžNjǎıǁİǑıdž IJǔnj IJǏİǒǗnjIJǔnj įLjĮNjǎǏijǔNjƿnjǔnj ǒǏǎnjǎįLjĮDŽǏĮNjNjƾIJǔnj ıIJLjǐ ǎLJǗnjİǐ įLjljIJǘǎǑ ȺǎǑ İǁnjĮLj İȺLjNJİDŽNjƿnjİǐ ıIJdžnj ƧȺİLjljǗnjLjıdž įdžNjǎıǁİǑıdžǐ, Njƿıǔ IJǎǑ įLjljIJǘǎǑ.

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zƩdžNjǎıǁİǑıdž IJǔnj IJǏİǒǗnjIJǔnj įLjĮNjǎǏijǔNjƿnjǔnj ǒǏǎnjǎįLjĮDŽǏĮNjNjƾIJǔnj ıIJLjǐ IJǎȺLjljƿǐ ǎLJǗnjİǐ ȺǎǑ İǁnjĮLj İȺLjNJİDŽNjƿnjİǐ ıIJdžnj ƧȺİLjljǗnjLjıdž įdžNjǎıǁİǑıdžǐ. ƩdžNjLjǎǑǏDŽǎǘnjIJĮLj ıIJǎ ijƾljİNJǎ ȺǎǑ ƿǒİLj IJǎ ǗnjǎNjĮ IJdžǐ ǎLJǗnjdžǐ, ǎ ǎȺǎǁǎǐ ǒǏdžıLjNjǎȺǎLjİǁIJĮLj ǔǐ ǎ IJǎȺLjljǗǐ ljĮIJƾNJǎDŽǎǐ įdžNjǎıǁİǑıdžǐ. ƪƾnj

ĮnjIJLjDŽǏƾǓİIJİ ǗNJĮ IJĮ ĮǏǒİǁĮ ljĮLj IJǎǑǐ ǑȺǎijĮljƿNJǎǑǐ ȺǎǑ ǑȺƾǏǒǎǑnj ıIJǎ ijƾljİNJǎ ȺǎǑ įdžNjLjǎǑǏDŽǀLJdžljİ Njİ IJǎ ǗnjǎNjĮ IJdžǐ ǎLJǗnjdžǐ ıIJǎ ǏLjDžLjljǗ ljĮIJƾNJǎDŽǎ NjLjĮǐ ıǑıljİǑǀǐ NjnjǀNjdžǐ USB ljĮLj IJdž ıǑnjįƿıİIJİ ıIJdž LJǘǏĮ USB IJǎǑ ǑȺǎNJǎDŽLjıIJǀ ıĮǐ, IJĮ ǒǏǎnjǎįLjĮDŽǏƾNjNjĮIJĮ İljIJİNJǎǘnjIJĮLj ĮǑIJǗNjĮIJĮ, ǒǔǏǁǐ ıǘnjįİıdž ıIJǎ įǁljIJǑǎ.

ưȺǎǏİǁIJİ njĮ ǎǏǁıİIJİ ljĮLj njĮ ĮNJNJƾǍİIJİ IJǎnj IJǏǗȺǎ İljIJƿNJİıdžǐ IJǔnj ǒǏǎnjǎįLjĮDŽǏĮNjNjƾIJǔnj, ĮNJNJƾDžǎnjIJĮǐ IJLjǐ ƪȺLjNJǎDŽƿǐ IJǎȺLjljǎǘ ǒǏǎnjǎįLjĮDŽǏƾNjNjĮIJǎǐ IJdžǐ ǎLJǗnjdžǐ. īLjĮ ȺİǏLjııǗIJİǏİǐ ȺNJdžǏǎijǎǏǁİǐ, ĮnjĮIJǏƿǍIJİ ıIJdž ƨǎǀLJİLjĮ IJdžǐ ǏǘLJNjLjıdžǐ ǎLJǗnjdžǐ.

ưȺǎǏİǁIJİ njĮ įİǁIJİ ljĮLj njĮ ĮNJNJƾǍİIJİ IJǎnj IJǎȺLjljǗ ljĮIJƾNJǎDŽǎ įdžNjǎıǁİǑıdžǐ ıIJdžnj ljĮǏIJƿNJĮ Schedule (ƹǏǎnjǎįLjƾDŽǏĮNjNjĮ) IJǎǑ Option (ƪȺLjNJǎDŽƿǐ). Ƴ ȺǏǎİȺLjNJİDŽNjƿnjǎǐ İǁnjĮLj ǎ ijƾljİNJǎǐ

ıIJǎnj ǎȺǎǁǎ ǑȺƾǏǒİLj IJǎ İljIJİNJƿıLjNjǎ ĮǏǒİǁǎ IJǎǑ įLjĮljǎNjLjıIJǀ.

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Samsung LS40BPTNB/EDC, LS46BPTNS/EDC Delete ƩLjĮDŽǏĮijǀ, Publish Network ƩdžNjǎıǁİǑıdž ƩǁljIJǑǎ, Publish Local ƩdžNjǎıǁİǑıdž ƷǎȺLjljƾ


The Samsung LS46BPPNB/EDC and LS40BPPNB/EDC, along with their counterparts LS46BPPNS/EDC and LS40BPPNS/EDC, exemplify the advancements in display technology offered by Samsung. These models are part of Samsung's extensive lineup of professional displays that cater to specific commercial needs, including advertising, information display, and digital signage.

One of the standout features of these models is their exceptional display quality. With a resolution that typically supports Full HD, these screens ensure that images and videos are vibrant, clear, and impactful. Samsung’s commitment to color accuracy allows for a captivating visual experience, making them ideal for retail environments where captivating displays can drive customer engagement.

Another defining characteristic is their advanced LED backlighting technology. This not only enhances brightness and contrast ratios but also contributes to energy efficiency—an essential factor in commercial applications where displays are operational for extended periods. This technology ensures that businesses minimize their power consumption while providing a high-quality viewing experience.

Moreover, these models are designed for durability and reliability. With features such as high temperature and humidity resistance, they can operate effectively in various environments without deterioration in performance. This reliability is crucial for businesses that require consistent uptime from their display solutions.

The LS46BPPNB/EDC and LS40BPPNB/EDC models have been engineered with sleek aesthetics, making them appealing for modern business settings. Their thin bezels and stylish designs allow for seamless integration into various interior designs, enhancing the overall visual appeal of any space.

Additionally, connectivity is a strong point of these displays. They often come equipped with multiple input ports, including HDMI, DVI, and VGA, enabling easy integration with various devices such as computers, media players, and even smartphones. This versatility makes them an excellent choice for diverse applications ranging from presentations to interactive kiosks.

Samsung’s emphasis on user-friendly interface and operational features is another significant aspect of these models. They often include built-in software for managing content, which allows users to easily control what is displayed and when. This capability is particularly beneficial for businesses that require quick updates to their advertising content without relying on external IT support.

In summary, the Samsung LS46BPPNB/EDC, LS40BPPNB/EDC, LS46BPPNS/EDC, and LS40BPPNS/EDC are powerful, feature-rich displays built for professional use. With their superior display quality, robust design, extensive connectivity, and user-centric features, they stand out as compelling options for businesses looking to enhance their visual communication strategies.