Samsung NV70H5557LB/WT, NV70H5587BB/WT manual Qolda Tozalash, Katalitik Emal Yuza Ixtiyoriy

Models: NV70H5587BB/WT NV70H5557LB/WT

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OGOHLANTIRISH: Pech va uning anjomlarini tozalashdan oldin ular sovuq ekanligini tekshiring. Dag'al tozalash vositalari, qattiq chyotkalar, tirmovchi mochalka yoki lattalar, po'lat yung, pichoq yoki boshqa tirnovchi materiallardan foydalanmang.

Pechning ichki qismi

Pechning ichki qismini tozalash uchun toza latta va mo'tadil tozalash vositasi yoki iliq sovunli suvdan foydalaning.

Eshikcha zichlagichini qo'lda tozalamang.

Pechning emal yuzasini shikastlanishdan saqlash uchun oddiy pech tozalagichlaridan foydalaning.

Qotgan dog'larni ketkazish uchun maxsus pech tozalagichidan foydalaning.

Pechning tashqi yuzasi

Pech eshigi, dastasi va displeyi kabi pechning tashqi qismlarini tozalash uchun toza latta va sust yuvish vositasi yoki iliq sovunli suvdan foydalaning va ularni qog'oz sochiq yoki quruq sochiq bilan artib, quriting.

Pechdan chiqayotgan issiq havo tufayli tutqich yoki tugmachalar tezda yog'li kir bilan qoplanib qolishlari mumkin, shuning uchun pechni ishlatganingizdan so'ng tutqich bilan tugmachalarni tozalang.


Anjomlarni har safar foydalangandan keyin yuving va choy sochig'i bilan quriting. Zarur bo'lgan hollarda osonroq tozalanishi uchun 30 daqiqacha iliq sovunli suvni shimdiring.


Olib qo'yiluvchi qoplama to'q kulrang katalitik emal qilan qoplangan, bu konveksiyali qizdirish vaqtida aylanuvchi havo bilan tarqatiladigan moy va hayvon yog'lari bilan qoplanishi mumkin. Bu qoplamalar pechning harorati 200 °C darajasidan oshgandan keyin yonib ketadi.

1.Barcha anjomlarni pechdan olib qo'ying.

2.Pechning ichki yuzasini tozalagandan so‘ng, bir soat davomida pechni 250 ºC da konveksiyaga qo‘yib qo‘ying.


Suv to'plagichi pechda juda nam taomlar tayyorlanayotganida namlikdan to'planadigan suvni yig'ish uchun mo'ljallangan. Suv to'plagichida taomlarning qoldiqlari yig'ilib qolishi mumkin. Agar u tozalanmasa, pechni o'rab turuvchi jihoz shikastlanishi mumkin.

Jihozingizni himoyalash uchun pechda taom tayyorlagan so'ng suv to'plagichini tozalab turing.

OGOHLANTIRISH: Agar taom tayyorlaganingizdan so'ng suv

to'plagichidan suvning sizib chiqishini payqasangiz, bizning Suv to'plagichi xizmat markazimiz bilan bog'laning.

O'zbek - 32

NV70H5587BB_WT_DG68-00541A-03_UZ.indd 32

2015-12-07 ￿￿ 3:23:23

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Samsung NV70H5557LB/WT, NV70H5587BB/WT Qolda Tozalash, Katalitik Emal Yuza Ixtiyoriy, SUV Toplagichini Tozalash Ixtiyoriy

NV70H5587BB/WT, NV70H5557LB/WT specifications

Samsung has consistently delivered innovative kitchen appliances, and their latest oven models, NV70H5557LB/WT and NV70H5587BB/WT, exemplify this commitment. Designed to elevate culinary experiences, these versatile multi-function ovens are packed with advanced features, technologies, and characteristics that make them a valuable addition to any modern kitchen.

At the heart of these ovens is Samsung's innovative Smart Oven technology. With multiple cooking functions—from baking and grilling to steaming and roasting—the NV70H5557LB/WT and NV70H5587BB/WT are designed to accommodate a wide range of cooking styles and preferences. Users can easily select the desired cooking mode thanks to an intuitive control panel featuring a clear display.

One of the standout features of these models is the powerful Twin Fan technology. This system ensures even heat distribution throughout the oven cavity, resulting in perfectly cooked meals every time. Whether you are baking cookies or roasting a chicken, the consistent temperature control helps achieve optimal results, minimizing the chances of hot spots or uneven cooking.

The ovens also come equipped with a generous capacity of 70 liters, perfect for handling large dishes or multiple trays simultaneously. This spacious design allows home cooks to prepare family feasts or entertain guests with ease. Additionally, the sleek, modern design fits seamlessly into a variety of kitchen decors, enhancing visual appeal while delivering functionality.

Cleaning the NV70H5557LB/WT and NV70H5587BB/WT is a breeze, thanks to the innovative Self Clean function. This feature utilizes high-temperature settings to eliminate grease and food residues, ensuring that the oven remains clean and hygienic with minimal effort.

Furthermore, these models are designed with energy efficiency in mind. The Eco mode helps reduce energy consumption, making them not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective in the long run.

Safety is also a significant consideration, with features like the Child Lock function ensuring peace of mind for families with young children.

In summary, Samsung's NV70H5557LB/WT and NV70H5587BB/WT offer a powerful combination of versatility, efficiency, and style. With advanced technologies and thoughtful features, these ovens are designed to meet the needs of modern families and cooking enthusiasts alike, making them a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to enhance their culinary skills.