￿The ID of the server to connect to

￿Client ID

1Schedule server

￿Automatic connection using server name

:If the schedule server and client are on the same sub network, the client connects to the servers using their name.

￿Reconnecting another server when disconnected

:If a connection is disconnected, the client connects to another server on the same sub network automatically.

￿Direct connection using IP address

:The client connects to the schedule server with the entered IP address.

:The client can connect to the schedule server even though they are not on the same network. However, if the server has a private IP address on a private network, the client cannot connect to it. Therefore, the schedule server must be installed with a public IP address on a network.

2Content server

￿Connect content servers

:Select this option when you want to use separate schedule and content servers.

:If you select this option, all the content files are downloaded or streamed from the specified content server and the schedule server performs only the schedules and the remote control function.

￿Preferred IP

:Enter the IP address of the computer that operates as the primary content server.

￿Arternate IP

:Enter the IP address of the computer that operates when the primary content server cannot be connected to.



:Enter the name of the schedule server that the client connects to.


:Set the name of the monitor to connect to the schedule server.

Program Tab
