Samsung RL31TAVS1/XAG manual CoolSelect Zone Button, Super Cool Function/Super Freeze Function


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3. CoolSelect Zone Button

3-1. Press the CoolSelect Zone Button to set the temperature of the CoolSelect Zone;

3-2. Press the CoolSelect Zone Button, the " tinkle" sound is heard, and then the current set temperature of the CoolSelect Zone will flicker. Press the Button again to change the set temperature. Each time you press the Button, the set tempe rature is displayed in sequence of 0 (Fish/Meat) -7 (Soft Freeze) -12 (Freeze) 10 (Wine) 4 (Beverage) 2 (vegetable) 0 .

3-3. Each time you press the CoolSelect Zone Button, the " tinkle" sound is heard;

3-4. Stop pressing the Button for 5 seconds, and the set value will be confirmed.

3-5. CoolSelect Zone fine adjustment function: The temperature of the CoolSelect Zone is available for the fine adjustment around the set value. Press the CoolSelect Zone Button to start the fine adjustment, " 00 " displays. Each time you press the button, the bar will be set as 0001020300. The larger the number is, the lower the temperature will be. It will quit the fine adjustment setting automatically 5 seconds after the stopping the button-press;

3-6. In the Vacation mode, there is no display for the temperature of CoolSelect Zone. There is no responde when you press the CoolSelect Zone Button ;

4. Super Cool Function/Super Freeze Function

4-1. Press the Super Button in the normal operation mode,and the Fridge will enter into the

Super Cool status with the Super Cool display turning on; Press the Super Button again to exit the Super Cool status and enter into the Super Freeze status with the Super Freeze display turning on; Press the Super Button again to enter into the Super Cool and the Super Freeze status simultaneous with both the Super Cool and the Super Freeze display turning on; Press the Super Button again to return to the normal stasus;

5. Reset Function

5-1. If the refrigerator is not running in the Reset function, press the Reset Button to enter the Reset mode and the " tinkle" sound is heard;

5-2. In the Reset running status the refrigerator returns to the default factory status;

5-3. When the user changes the refrigerator setting, refrigerator will quit the Reset running status;

5-4. Press the Reset Button again in Reset running status, the refrigerator will exit the Reset running status with a " tinkle" sound.

5-5. The temperature of the CoolSelect Zone is controlled automatically at about 0 .


6. Freezer Button

6-1. Press the Freezer Button to set the Freezer temperature;

6-2. Press the Freezer Button, the " tinkle" sound is heard and then the current Freezer setup temperature will flicker. Press the Button again to change the set temperature. Each time you press the button, the set temperature is displayed in sequence of -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -15 -16 -17 -18 ;

6-3. Each time you press the Freezer Button, the " tinkle" sound is heard;

6-4. Stop pressing the Button for 5 seconds, then the set value will be confirmed.

6-5. Freezer temperature can be set in any mode;

7. Door opening alarm Function

7-1. There will produce an alarm tone when the Fridge door is opened for two minutes, two alarm tones for three minutes and repeated alarm with a cycle of one-minute alarm and two-minute pause for four minutes to remind the user of closing the door;

7-2. When Fridge door is closed, alarm tones stop; if Fridge door is not yet closed after four minutes, the lamp will turn off, and the alarm tone will exist continuously to remind the user of closing the door;

7-3. When the Fridge door is opened, the Fridge fan will stop turning;

8. Operation Failure

8-1. When the refrigerator shows the following symptoms, please immediately to the qualified service personnel;

8-2. When the refrigerator temperature is flickering as " ", " ", " ", " ", " " refrige- rator sensor might be damaged. Before the service, the damaged compartments are not working while the other compartments run normally;

First power supply & temperature adjustment

After the power is on, all indications will display for 2 seconds, and the refrigerator starts to run. The Fridge default temperature is set at 5 ; the CoolSelect Zone temperature is set at 0 ; the Freezer temperature is set at -18 . the actual temperatures of the Fridge will display, the CoolSelect Zone and the Freezer with start-up music.

It is recommended to run in the Reset status, also submitted to the adjustment in accordance with user's practical situation.



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Samsung RL31TAVS1/XAG CoolSelect Zone Button, Super Cool Function/Super Freeze Function, Reset Function, Freezer Button