4Vacation (Ta'til) rejimi

Vacation (Ta'til) funksiyasini faollashtirish uchun Vacation (Ta'til) tugmasiga teging.

Vacation (Ta'til) indikatori yonadi va siz

uzoq dam olishga chiqqaningizda, xizmat safariga ketayotganingizda yoki Sovutgichdan foydalanishga ehtiyojingiz bo'lmagan vatqlarda quvvat sarfini kamaytirish uchun Sovutgich haroratni 15 °C darajaga o'rnatadi.

Vacation (Ta'til) rejimi faollashtirilganda muzxona bo'lmasi yoqilgan holatda qoladi.

Vacation (Ta'til) funksiyasi yoqilgan holda muzlatish kamerasi harorati o'zgartirilsa, Vacation (Ta'til) funksiyasi avtomatik ravishda o'chiriladi.

Vacation (Ta'til) funksiyasidan foydalanishdan avval Sovutgich bo'lmasidagi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini albatta olib qo'ying.

5Power Freeze (Kuchli muzlatish)

Power Freeze (Kuchli muzlatish) funksiyasini faollashtirish uchun Power Freeze (Kuchli muzlatish) tugmasiga teging.

Power Freeze (Kuchli muzlatish) indikatori yonadi va Sovutgich muzxonasidagi mahsulotlarni muzlatish uchun talab qilinadigan vaqtni tezlashtiradi.

Ushbu funksiya 72 soatga faollashtiriladi va muzxona indikatori -25 °C darajani ko'rsatadi.

Ushbu funksiya avtomatik ravishda o'chadi.

Power Freeze (Kuchli muzlatish) jarayoni tugallanishi bilan Power freeze (Kuchli muzlatish) indikatori o'chadi va Sovutgich harorati avvalgi sozlamasiga qaytadi. Bu funksiyadan foydalanganingizda quvvat iste'moli ortadi.

Bu funksiyasni o'chirish uchun yana Freezer (Muzxona) tugmasiga tegib turing.

Agar ko'p miqdordagi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini muzlatish kerak bo'lsa, Power Freeze (Kuchli muzlatish) funksiyasini kamida 24 soat oldin faollashtiring.

20_ sovutgichdan foydalanish


1Eng sovuq

Sovutgich haroratini pasaytirish uchun Coldest (Eng sovuq) tugmasini bir yoki bir necha marta bosing.

Harorat indikatori sovuqdan eng sovuqqa o'zgaradi.

Dastlabki o'rnatilgan harorat – o'rta nuqtadagi harorat.

Barcha chiroqlar yonganida harorat eng sovuq haroratga yetadi.


Sovutgich haroratini ko'tarish uchun Cold (Sovuq) tugmasini bir yoki bir necha marta bosing.

Harorat indikatori eng sovuqdan sovuqqa o'zgaradi.

Dastlabki o'rnatilgan harorat o'rta nuqtadagi haroratdir.

Barcha chiroqlar yonganida harorat sovuq haroratga yetadi.

Beshta indikator chirog'i bilan ifodalangan beshta harorat sozlanmasi mavjud.

Muzxona harorati Sovutgich haroratiga (quyida aytilganidek) ko'ra avtomatik ravishda o'zgartiriladi.


Eng sovuq

Muzxona(Sovutgich) harorati

Agar sizga ko'p miqdordagi oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini muzlatish kerak bo'lsa, Sovutgich haroratini kamida 24 soat avval eng sovuq haroratga o'rnating.

Iliq oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini joylashtirish yoki eshikchalarni ko'p ochilishi tufayli Sovutgich yoki muzxona bo'lmasidagi harorat keskin ko'tarilgan hollarda Sovutgich yoki muzxona harorati ko'rsatkichi miltillaydi.

Sovutgichi yoki muzxona bo'lmasidagi harorat o'z holatiga qaytganda Sovutgich yoki muzxona harorati indikatori miltillashdan to'xtaydi.

Agar harorat indikatori miltillashdan to'xtamasa, xizmat ko'rsatish markaziga murojaat qiling.

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2015. 6. 10. ￿￿ 8:38

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Samsung RL52TEBVB1/BWT, RL55VQBRS1/XEO, RL55VTEBG1/XEO, RL55VQBUS1/BWT, RL52VEBIH1/XEO Boshqaruv Panelidan Foydalanish B TUR


The Samsung RL55VJBIH1/XES, RL55VJBIH1/EUR, RL55VTEBG1/XEF, RL55VTEBG1/XEO, and RL55VJBIH1/XEO refrigerators are models that stand out in the realm of modern cooling solutions. With a focus on energy efficiency, innovative cooling technologies, and user-friendly features, these refrigerators cater to varied consumer needs while maintaining a sleek and stylish design.

One of the main features of these models is the Big Box freezer compartment. This allows for maximum storage capacity, making it easy to organize and access frozen items. The spacious interior is optimized for efficient storage, allowing users to store large items with ease.

Samsung employs its Twin Cooling Plus technology in these models, which utilizes separate cooling systems for the refrigerator and freezer compartments. This technology helps maintain optimal humidity levels in the refrigerator while preventing odors from mixing between the two areas. As a result, fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer, and ice remains clean and odor-free.

Energy efficiency is another key characteristic of these refrigerators. They are designed with Eco Mode, which reduces energy consumption while maintaining the necessary cooling performance. This not only helps in saving on electricity bills but also contributes to an eco-friendly lifestyle. Additionally, many of these models come equipped with an A+ energy rating, ensuring that consumers benefit from reduced energy usage without sacrificing performance.

The interior of these Samsung refrigerators is thoughtfully designed, featuring adjustable shelves, a dedicated dairy compartment, and efficient LED lighting. The adjustable shelving allows users to customize the space based on their needs, making it easier to store bulky or oddly-shaped items. Meanwhile, the LED lighting provides clear visibility of the contents while consuming less energy compared to traditional lighting.

Samsung has also integrated a range of user-friendly features in these models, including a digital display that allows for easy temperature monitoring and adjustments. The multi-vent system ensures even cooling throughout the refrigerator, and the No Frost technology eliminates the need for manual defrosting, making maintenance much simpler.

In summary, the Samsung RL55VJBIH1/XES, RL55VJBIH1/EUR, RL55VTEBG1/XEF, RL55VTEBG1/XEO, and RL55VJBIH1/XEO refrigerators present an impressive combination of storage capacity, advanced cooling technologies, energy efficiency, and convenient features. They exemplify Samsung's commitment to innovation and quality in home appliances, making them a great choice for anyone seeking a reliable and stylish refrigeration solution.