1)In order to operate the ice maker properly, water pressure of 20 ~125 psi is required. In this range a 170 cc paper cup can be filled in 10 secs.
2)The water filter removes particles. It does not sterilize or destroy any
3)If the refrigerator is installed in an area with low water pressure (below 20psi), you should install a booster pump to compensate for the low pressure.
4)Ensure the water storage tank inside the refrigerator is properly filled initially. Push the water dispenser lever until the water runs from the outlet.
Water line installation kit is available at extra cost from your dealer. The refrigerator manufacturer NOTE recommends using a water supply kit containing copper tubing.
Connecting to water supply line
-Shut off the main water supply line and turn the Ice maker to the off position.
- Locate the nearest cold drinking water line. - Follow the instructions in the ice maker
installation kit.
-After connecting the water supply with water filter, turn on water supply and flush 4 or
more gallons into a bucket to clear the water filter
1.Cold Water line
2.Pipe Clamp.
3.Water Line Installation Kit
4.Shut Off Valve