
Nemojte izvlačiti kabel za napajanje dok koristite uređaj.

•• Električni udar može oštetiti proizvod.

Koristite samo kabel za napajanje koji ste dobili s proizvodom tvrtke Samsung. Kabel nemojte koristiti s drugim proizvodima.

•• To može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.

Do utičnice u koju priključujete kabel za napajanje morate imati neometan pristup.

•• Da bi se prekinulo napajanje proizvoda kada dođe do problema, mora se isključiti kabel za napajanje.

•• Imajte u vidu da se samo pritiskom na gumb za isključivanje na daljinskom upravljaču napajanje ne prekida u potpunosti.

Prilikom isključivanja iz utičnice kabel za napajanje držite za utikač.

•• To može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.



Na uređaj nemojte stavljati svijeće, aparate protiv insekata ni cigarete. Uređaj nemojte postavljati u blizinu izvora topline.

•• Moglo bi doći do požara.

Nosač za zidnu montažu mora montirati stručna osoba.

•• Montaža od strane nestručne osobe može dovesti do ozljeda.

•• Koristite samo odgovarajuće regale.

Proizvod nemojte postavljati na nedovoljno prozračena mjesta kao što su police za knjige ili ormari.

•• Povišena interna temperatura može uzrokovati požar.

Da bi se omogućilo prozračivanje, proizvod postavite najmanje 10 cm od zida.

•• Povišena interna temperatura može uzrokovati požar.

Plastičnu ambalažu držite izvan dohvata djece.

•• Djeca bi se mogla ugušiti.

Proizvod nemojte postavljati na nestabilne ili klimave površine (npr. na slabo pričvršćenu policu ili kosu površinu).

•• Uređaj bi mogao pasti i oštetiti se i/ili prouzročiti ozljedu.

•• Korištenje uređaja u prostorima u kojima su prisutne snažne vibracije može dovesti do oštećenja uređaja ili do požara.

Uređaj nemojte postavljati u vozila ili na mjesta izložena prašini, vlazi (kapljicama vode itd.), masnoći ili dimu.

•• To može dovesti do električnog udara ili požara.

Uređaj nemojte izlagati izravnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti, vrućini ili vrućim predmetima, kao što je peć.

•• Mogao bi se smanjiti radni vijek proizvoda ili bi moglo doći do požara.

Proizvod nemojte postaviti u dosegu male djece.

•• Uređaj bi mogao pasti i ozlijediti djecu.


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Samsung SBB-SS08FL1/EN manual Instaliranje, Oprez

SBB-SS08FL1/EN specifications

The Samsung SBB-SS08FL1/EN is a professional digital signage solution that caters to a diverse range of applications including retail displays, corporate environments, and educational institutions. This versatile device combines cutting-edge technology with robust performance to ensure that visual content is delivered efficiently and effectively.

One of the key features of the Samsung SBB-SS08FL1/EN is its powerful performance capabilities. Powered by a high-performing processor, this digital signage box is engineered to handle a variety of multimedia file formats and deliver smooth playback of high-resolution content. Whether you are displaying promotional videos, graphics, or live feeds, the SBB-SS08FL1/EN can manage complex visual tasks with ease.

Another significant characteristic is its compact design. The slim form factor allows for easy integration with various display setups without sacrificing aesthetic appeal. This makes it an excellent choice for tight spaces, such as retail counters or lobby areas, where keeping a clean and professional look is essential.

The SBB-SS08FL1/EN is equipped with advanced connectivity options, including HDMI, USB, and Ethernet ports. These allow for simple connections to various devices and network systems, enabling seamless content updates and management. With its support for Wi-Fi and wired internet connections, users can effortlessly push content updates remotely, ensuring that displays are always showing the latest information.

A standout technology in the SBB-SS08FL1/EN is its compatibility with Samsung's MagicINFO software. This powerful content management system simplifies the process of scheduling and managing digital signage content. Users can create, edit, and publish content from a centralized platform, making it easier to keep displays current and engaging.

Furthermore, the SBB-SS08FL1/EN supports 4K resolution output, allowing businesses to showcase their content in stunning detail. This high degree of clarity enhances viewer engagement and conveys messages more effectively, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic environments.

In terms of reliability, the Samsung SBB-SS08FL1/EN is built to withstand continuous operation, ensuring minimal downtime and long-lasting performance. This reliability makes it a preferred choice for businesses that require consistent and dependable signage solutions.

Overall, the Samsung SBB-SS08FL1/EN is a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly digital signage solution that enhances communication and engagement across various environments, empowering businesses to captivate their audiences effectively.