
New voicemail alerts are sent via a free Text message. These messages indicate how many new and urgent voicemails are in your voice mailbox. Open the free text message to view the number of new and urgent voice messages in your voice mailbox. If a caller leaves a callback number, this number will also be sent via Text message.

Note: Standard Text Messaging charges do not apply.

Receive Voicemail Messages

When you receive a new voicemail message you’ll hear a sound and a Text message appears in the display.

1.Press the Directional key up or down to select

Listen Now or Listen Later. Press .

Listen to Voicemail messages

Note: User can press and hold to access your voicemail instead of doing the following steps

1.Open the slide in landscape mode and press to dial voicemail and retrieve your message(s).

Mobile IM

The Instant Messaging function allows you to send and receive instant messages using one of the following communities:

AOL® Instant Messenger™

Windows Live Messenger

Yahoo!® Messenger

Note: You must first create the Instant Message account before accessing it on your phone.

Using Mobile IM

1.Open the slide in landscape mode and press the left soft

key Message. Press Mobile IM.

2.Select your instant message community by pressing the

Directional key left or right and press . Use the

on-screen application specific functions and options to use the instant message applications.


Send and receive Email using Mobile Email or Mobile Web Mail.


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Samsung SCH-U450HAATLS user manual Mobile IM, Receive Voicemail Messages, Listen Now or Listen Later. Press