Searching Data
3.Click the icon in the tool bar, or select Filter from the Edit menu, then finally select Filter. The window shows all the names or phone numbers beginning with the name or number you have entered.
Filter icon selected
4.If necessary, select the SMS, Phone Book, or Call Log tab. Each time you click SMS, or PhoneBook, or Call Log tab with Filter selected, this program shows the number and/or name you want to find.
You can execute a file in any other directory without closing EasyGSM.
1.To select the desired file, select Select the Program you want from the Linker menu.
2.The Open dialog box appears. Select the program you want to open, then press Open. The selected program is now linked with your EasyGSM.
3.To execute the linked program, select Execute
Program from Linker menu or click the icon in the tool bar. Where xxx is the linked program name.