
Image size: set a size for images added to multimedia messages (when sending a message to an email address, the size is automatically set to Small)

MMS creation mode: set the mode for creating multimedia messages

Access point in use: set an access point to use when sending multimedia messages

Multimedia retrieval: set an option for receiving multimedia messages

Allow anon. msgs.: set to allow or deny messages from anonymous senders

Receive adverts: set to receive or block advertisements

Receive report: set to receive a report when the message has been delivered

Deny report sending: set to deny delivery reports for multimedia messages

Message validity: set a duration for the message to be valid; if the message cannot be delivered within the specified time, it will be removed from the message centre

Email options

From the Messaging menu, press <Options> Settings E-mailto change the following options:

Mailboxes: view a list of defined mailboxes; for each mailbox, you can set the following options:

Connection settings

Incoming e-mail: set options for incoming email