Callback Settings
Callback delivers a callback message to the IP where SmartViewer is already running when
an event corresponding to Alarm, Motion Detection, or Video Loss occurs from the set.
On/Off : Off is the default and On is optional.
IPAddress : IP setup is available only when On/Off is set to On. Sets up the IP
address of a PC where SmartViewer is already running.
Port(UDP) : You may choose a value from 7900 to 7999, increasing by 1. Sets
up the port value of Callback Connection set by SmartViewer.
Retry : You may choose a value from 1 to 20, increasing by 1.
- Though Callback is set to ON, there will be no Callback message unless Alarm,
Motion Detection, or Video Loss is set by Event Record.
- Unless you click the Callback button of SmartViewer, SmartViewer does not receive
any Callback message.