

Application manager

View and manage the apps on your device.

On the Settings screen, tap Application manager.

Default applications

Select a default setting for using apps.

On the Settings screen, tap Default applications.

Home: Select a default Home screen mode.

Messages: Select a default app to use for messaging.


Customise the settings for calling features.

On the Settings screen, tap Call.

Call rejection: Reject calls from specified phone numbers automatically. Add phone numbers to the reject list.

Answering and ending calls:

Pressing the home key: Set the device to answer a call when you press the Home button.

Using voice commands: Set the device to answer or reject a call with voice commands.

Waving hand over device: When a call comes in, move your hand to the left, and then to the right across the sensor to answer the call.

Pressing the power key: Set the device to end a call when pressing the Power button.