Useful features


Use this feature to create notes using the voice recognition feature. Notes are sent to the connected mobile device’s registered Google account via the Google Mail service.

Access the note feature using a voice command on the voice recognition screen or use the screen tap method to open the Menu screen.

Tap Take a note on the Menu screen.

If you have installed the Keep app on the connected mobile device, notes are saved in the Keep app on the connected mobile device.


Use this feature to send and receive text messages from the connected mobile device.

Viewing incoming messages

When a new message is received, a peek card appears on the Home screen. Drag the peek card upwards.

To view the message on the connected mobile device, scroll left to Open on phone, and then tap Open on phone.

Replying to messages

On a message peek card, scroll left to Reply, and then tap Reply. You can enter a message using the voice recognition feature.