
Using notifications

Viewing notifications

Stay up-to-date with a variety of events, such as missed calls or new messages, received on the mobile device and on the Gear.

When the Gear is not connected to the mobile device via Bluetooth, you can still receive notifications from the mobile device. Refer to Remote connection for more information.

If a message includes long text or attachments, check the message details on your mobile device.

When you receive a notification, it appears at the top of the screen. To check the notification, open the Clock screen and swipe to the right.

See an example in the image below:

Open the message using the






Access additional options.






Email app.






To clear an individual notification while viewing it, tap Clear.

To clear all notifications of an app, drag downwards from the centre of the screen and tap Clear all.

The options available on notifications may differ depending on the notification type.