
Show Window

Show Window allows you to select an area on the screen and show it in full screen mode on an external display. You can draw on the screen using tools.

Showing a selected area on an external display

1 Connect the device to an external display.

You can connect an external display using a cable or wirelessly. Refer to Connecting to an external display for more information.



On the taskbar, tap Samsung Show Window.

Press and hold the Fn key and press the F4 key simultaneously, and then press the F4 key again to select Extend.

4 Tap Start.

A white frame for selecting an area will appear.

Start is activated only when the display mode is set to Extend.

5 Drag to select an area to show in full screen mode on the external display, and then tap Done.

The selected area will be shown on the external display.

To fix the ratio of the selected area to the ratio of the external screen, tap and tap the Fixed ratio switch to activate it.

To stop displaying the screen, tap Stop.