Samsung SMH6140WB owner manual Handy Helper Chart, Turn the Food Over

Models: SMH6140WB

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Defrosting Automatically


Using the Handy Helper Button

To thaw frozen food, set the weight of the food and the microwave auto-


1 Press the Handy Helper button corresponding to the food you are

matically sets the defrosting time, power level and standing time.



cooking. The display shows “Melt Chocolate”.

1 Press the Auto Defrost button.



Press the Handy Helper button repeatedly to select the item you


want.(Refer to the Handy Helper Chart below)

The display shows : 0.5 LB (0.2Kg if you have set your oven for



2 Press the Number 1 or 2 button to select the serving size you want.

metric measure).


2 To set the weight of your food, press the Auto Defrost button


Only the 1 button(serving) is available for Soften Cream Cheese


and Melt Chocolate items.(Refer to the Handy Helper Chart below

repeatedly. This increases the weight by 0.5 lb increments, up to



for the serving)


6.0 lbs (The Auto Defrost button will increase the weight by 0.2Kg




3 Press the Start button to begin cooking.

up to 2.6Kg if you are using metric measurement). You can also


use the number buttons to enter the weight of the food directly. The






oven calculates the defrosting time and starts automatically.


Handy Helper Chart

Twice during defrosting, the oven will beep and the display will read







3 Press the Pause/Cancel button, open the oven door, and turn the











1 cup

• Place chocolate chips or square in a

food over.





microwave-safe dish.

4 Press the Start button to resume defrosting.





• Stir well at half time when the oven

Note: Even if you do not turn the food over when “TURN THE




beeps, and re-start the oven.






Soften Cream


• Unwrap cream cheese and place on

FOOD OVER“ is displayed, defrosting continues.





microwave-safe dish. Cut in half



See page 22 for the Auto Defrosting Guide.



(8 oz)





• Let stand 1-2 minutes.












Melt Butter

1 stick

• Remove wrapping and cut butter in half




(1/4 lb.)





2 sticks

• Place butter on microwave-safe dish,




(1/2 lb.)

cover with wax paper.





• Let stand 1-2 minutes, then stir.












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Image 13
Samsung SMH6140WB owner manual Handy Helper Chart, Turn the Food Over