Selecting the Color Tone
DNIe (Digital Natural Image engine)
Samsung’ s New Technology brings you more detailed images with contrast and white enhancement and 3D noise reduction.
Press the MENU button, then press the ENTER
1 button.
Press the UP or DOWN button to select “Color
2 Tone”, then press the LEFT or RIGHT button to select “Normal”, “Warm1”, “Warm2”, “Cool2” or “Cool1”.
•You can select “Custom”, “Color1”, “Color2” or “Color3” in PC mode.
•You can select “Color1”, “Color2” or “Color3” in DVI mode.
3 Press the MENU button to exit.
| Picture |
| |
| Mode | Custom |
| ||
| Adjust |
| Color Tone | Custom |
| DNIe | On |
| Move | Select | Menu |
| Picture |
| |
| Mode | Custom |
| ||
| Adjust |
| Color Tone | Normal |
| DNIe | On |
| Move | Select | Menu |
Press the MENU button, then press the ENTER
1 button.
➤Quick way to select DNIe : Simply press the “DNIe” button under the cover of the remote control.
Press the UP or DOWN button to select “DNIe”,
2 then press the LEFT or RIGHT button to select “On”, “Off” or “Demo”.
•On : Switches on the DNIe mode.
•Demo : The screen before applying DNIe appears on the right and the screen after applying DNIe appears on the left.
•Off : Switches off the DNIe mode.
| Picture |
| |
| Mode | Custom |
| ||
| Adjust |
| Color Tone | Custom |
| DNIe | On |
| Move | Select | Menu |
| Picture |
| |
| Mode | Custom |
| ||
| Adjust |
| Color Tone | Normal |
| DNIe | On |
| Move | Select | Menu |
DNIe Demo
DNIe On |
| DNIe Off |
3 Press the MENU button to exit.