13.4 Printer Settings
1)Measurement: Select measurement of “Top Margin”. (Inch or millimeters)
2)Top Margin: top margin value of paper
3)Density: Select density of printing quality. (0 ~ 20)
4)Media Type: Select paper media type. (“Black Mark” is under development)
5)Orientation: Set printing direction.
6)Speed: Set printing speed. (2.5 ~ 3.0)
7) Customer Paper Size
a)Add Customized Form: Create new customized form. Customer must type “Form Name”, “Width” and “Length”. Width and Length in customized form must be the number in the range from Minimum to Maximum size.
b)Delete Customized Form: You can delete customized form but default form may not be deleted.
c)Exit Program: Exit utility program.
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