4.5.2 Event search
If [EVENT] is selected after SEARCH button is pressed, a screen for selecting the event to search for is
displayed. User can search by event and play the result as needed.
Channel : Select a channel for event search.
9 SVR-1650E/1640A : CH1~16
9 SVR-950E : CH1~9
Event type : Event type can be filtered for all events or
9 SENSOR : Sensor events
9 V-LOSS : Video loss events
9 MD : Motion detection events
9 TEXT : Text input events
If number of video recording items exceeds the number that can be displayed
on one screen, use the (+)/(-) buttons on the remote controller or the main
body to move between pages.
If a video recording item is selected and ENTER button is pressed, the
corresponding video recording will be played.
To return to the EVENT LIST, press the ECS button again.