Registering Content to Favourites



On MOVIES & TV SHOWS screen, select a movie or TV programme that you wish to register to Favourites. Detailed information about your selection appears on the screen.

Select button on the detailed information screen. The content is added to the Favourites.

"" Select Favourites at the lower part of the MOVIES & TV SHOWS screen to view your favourites content list.

"" Select the button at the top of the content list in each menu to register multiple items to Favourites at once.

Rating and Sharing a Purchased Content

Rating Content




Select content in MOVIES & TV SHOWS. Detailed information about your selection appears on the screen.

Select button on the detailed information screen. A pop-up window appears.

You can rate the item using the ¡ and £ buttons in the pop-up window.

Sharing With SNS



Select content in the MOVIES & TV SHOWS. Detailed information about your selection appears on the screen.

Select either or button in the detailed information screen. The login page of the selected SNS appears.

"" If you have linked your Samsung Account to the SNS account, you were automatically logged into the SNS account when you logged into your Samsung Account. For the information about linking your Samsung Account to an SNS account, refer to the "Linking My Samsung and App Accounts" section.

333On the SNS login screen, enter your SNS ID and password to log into the SNS.

"" If you have linked your Samsung Account to the SNS account, you can skip this step.

444In the pop-up window, type the article you wish to post to the SNS and select Post. The article is posted to the SNS.