Povezivanje na priključak COMMON INTERFACE (utor za TV karticu)

Isključite televizor prije umetanja i vađenja CI kartice ili adaptera za CI karticu.

Pričvršćivanje adaptera za CI Card

Pričvrstite adapter na prikazani način.

Kako biste mogli umetnuti adapter za CI CARD karticu, skinite naljepnicu pričvršćenu na televizor.

Za priključivanje adaptera za karticu CI CARD slijedite korake opisane u nastavku.

Preporučujemo da adapter pričvrstite prije nego što postavite zidne nosače ili umetnete "CI ili CI+ karticu".

1.Adapter za karticu CI CARD umetnite u dva utora na 1. uređaju.

Stražnja strana


Pronađite dva otvora na stražnjoj strani televizora, pored utora COMMON INTERFACE.

2.Adapter za CI CARD karticu umetnite u ulaz COMMON INTERFACE na proizvodu2.

3.Umetnite karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD".

Preporučujemo da CI karticu umetnete prije nego što televizor montirate na zid. Nakon postavljanja na zidni nosač umetanje kartice može biti otežano. Umetnite karticu nakon što na televizor pričvrstite adapter za karticu CI CARD. Ako karticu umetnete prije nego što ste pričvrstiti adapter, bit će teško pričvrstiti modul.

Korištenje kartice "CI ili CI+ CARD"

Morate umetnuti karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD" kako biste mogli gledati kanale koji zahtijevaju plaćanje.

•• Ako ne umetnete karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD", neki kanali će prikazivati poruku "Scrambled Signal" (Kodirani signal).

•• Podaci o uparivanju koji obuhvaćaju telefonski broj, ID oznaku kartice "CI ili CI+ CARD", oznaku Host ID i ostale podatke, prikazat će se kroz 2~3 minute. Ako se prikaže poruka o pogrešci, obratite se davatelju usluga.

•• Po završetku konfiguriranja informacija o kanalu, prikazuje se poruka "Updating Completed" (Ažuriranje dovršeno) koja označava da je popis kanala ažuriran.


•• Karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD" potrebno je nabaviti kod lokalnog davatelja kabelskih usluga.

•• Karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD" pažljivo izvucite i pritom pazite da vam ne ispadne jer se pri tome može oštetiti.

•• Umetnite karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD" u smjeru koji je označen na njoj.

•• Smještaj utora COMMON INTERFACE može se razlikovati ovisno o modelu.

•• Kartica "CI ili CI+ CARD" nije podržana u nekim državama i regijama; provjerite kod ovlaštenog dobavljača.

•• U slučaju problema obratite se davatelju usluga.

•• Umetnite karticu "CI ili CI+ CARD" koja podržava trenutne postavke antene. Slika na zaslonu bit će iskrivljena ili se neće vidjeti.

Hrvatski - 8

[UF5300-XH]BN68-04808T-03L16.indb 8

2013-11-13 ￿￿ 4:36:55

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Samsung UE39F5300AWXXH Pričvršćivanje adaptera za CI Card, Korištenje kartice CI ili CI+ Card, Stražnja strana Televizora

UE46F5300AWXZF, UE32F5300AWXXH, UE46F5300AWXZH, UE46F5300AWXXH, UE42F5300AWXXC specifications

The Samsung UE39F5300AWXXH, UE46F5305AKXXE, UE46F5370SSXZG, UE39F5370SSXZG, and UE46F5300AYXZT are part of Samsung's F5300 and F5305 series of LED TVs, known for their impressive picture quality and user-friendly features. These models combine robust engineering with cutting-edge technology to enhance the viewing experience.

One of the standout features across these models is Samsung’s Full HD resolution, which provides a stunning 1920 x 1080 pixels display. This level of detail ensures sharp images and vibrant colors, making them ideal for watching movies, sports, or playing video games. The Wide Color Enhancer technology further enriches the color palette, allowing viewers to enjoy brighter and more vivid hues, making images appear more lifelike.

These models are also equipped with Samsung Smart Hub, a user-friendly interface that allows access to a plethora of applications, streaming services, and social media platforms right from the TV screen. This connectivity feature is enhanced by built-in Wi-Fi, letting users effortlessly browse the internet and discover new content without the need for external devices.

In terms of audio quality, these TVs come with Dolby Digital Plus sound technology, ensuring an immersive audio experience that complements the stunning visuals. The sound performance is further enhanced by the Clear Voice feature, which improves dialogue clarity, making it easier to understand conversation even during action-packed scenes.

Additionally, the series incorporates Samsung's Motion Rate technology, which minimizes motion blur during fast-moving scenes, making it perfect for action-packed movies and sports events. The CMR (Clear Motion Rate) addresses various factors such as panel refresh rates, image processing, and backlighting, resulting in smoother motion and enhanced clarity.

Design-wise, these models showcase a sleek and modern aesthetic, with a slim profile and minimalist bezels that fit seamlessly into any living space. They also offer various connectivity options, including HDMI and USB ports, allowing for easy connection to external devices like gaming consoles, soundbars, and Blu-ray players.

Overall, the Samsung UE39F5300AWXXH, UE46F5305AKXXE, UE46F5370SSXZG, UE39F5370SSXZG, and UE46F5300AYXZT are excellent choices for consumers looking for high-quality LED TVs that deliver exceptional picture and sound quality while providing smart features that cater to modern viewing habits. With their combination of advanced technologies and stylish design, these models set a high standard for home entertainment displays.