1.Atidžiai perskaitykite visas instrukcijas. Prieš ∞jungdami patikrinkite, ar jsð maitinimo tin- klo ∞tampa yra tokia pati, kokia nurodoma ant dulkið siurblio duomenð plokštelòs.

2.DñMESIO : Dulkið siurblio nenaudokite, kai kilimas ar grindys šlapios.

Siurblio nenaudokite vandeniui ∞siurbti.

3.Prietaisà naudojant vaikams ar šalia jð, juos reikia atidžiai prižiròti. Dulkið siurblio neleiskite naudoti kaip žaislo. Øjungto dulkið siurblio niekada nepalikite be priežiros. Dulkið siurbl∞ naudokite tik pagal paskirt∞, kaip aprašyta šiose instrukcijose.

4.Dulkið siurblio nenaudokite be dulkið maišelio. Kad siurblys veiktð efektyviai, dulkið maišel∞ ištuštinkite jam neprisipildžius iki galo.

5.Dulkið siurblio nenaudokite degtukams, pelenams ar cigareãið nuorkoms surinkti. Dulkið siurbl∞ laikykite atokiai nuo viryklið ir kitð šilumos šaltinið. Šiluma gali deformuoti plastikines prietaiso dalis ir pakeisti jð spalvà.

6.Dulkið siurbliu stenkitòs nesurinkinòti kietð, aštrið daiktð, nes jie gali sugadinti siurblio dalis. Nestovòkite ant žarnos. Žarnos nespauskite. Neuždenkite ∞siurbimo ar išmetimo angos.

7.Prieš išjungdami iš maitinimo tinklo, dulkið siurbl∞ išjunkite naudodami ant korpuso esant∞ jungikl∞. Prieš keisdami dulkið maišel∞ ar dulkið talpyklà jungikl∞ ištraukite iš maitinimo tin- klo.

Kad prietaiso nesugadintumòte, jungikl∞ ištraukite laikydami už jo paties, o ne traukdami už laido.

8.Šis prietaisas neskirtas naudoti jauniems ar silpniems žmonòms be priežiros, arba juos turi prižiròti atsakingas žmogus, kad užtikrintð saugð prietaiso naudojimà.

Mažus vaikus btina prižiròti, kad jie nežaistð su prietaisu.

9.Prieš valant ar remontuojant prietaisà jungikl∞ reikia ištraukti iš maitinimo lizdo.

10.Pailginimo kabelio naudoti nerekomenduojama.

11.Jei dulkið siurblys veikia netinkamai, išjunkite maitinimo šaltin∞ ir pasitarkite su ∞galiotu aptarnavimo agentu.

12.Jei maitinimo kabelis pažeistas, j∞ turi pakeisti gamintojas, aptarnavimo agentas arba panašios kvalifikacijos asmuo, kad išvengtumòte gròsmòs.

13.Dulkið siurblio neneškite laikydami j∞ už laido. Naudokite ant siurblio esanãià rankenà.

14.Kai nenaudojate, atjunkite valikl∞. Prieš atjungdami išjunkite maitinimo jungikl∞.


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Samsung VCC9560H3K/XSB, VCC9560H3K/XEV, VCC9560H3K/SBW manual Svarbios Apsaugos PRIEMONñS, LT-1

VCC9560H3K/SBW, VCC9560H3K/XEV, VCC9560H3K/XSB specifications

The Samsung VCC9560H3K series, which includes the VCC9560H3K/XSB, VCC9560H3K/XEV, and VCC9560H3K/SBW models, represents a significant advancement in home cleaning technology. These vacuum cleaners are designed for efficiency, versatility, and ease of use, making them a preferred choice for homeowners looking to maintain cleanliness with minimal effort.

One of the key features of the VCC9560H3K series is its powerful suction capability. Powered by a high-performance motor, these vacuums efficiently capture dust, dirt, and debris from various surfaces, including carpets, hardwood floors, and tiled areas. The strong suction ensures that even fine particles are collected, leaving your home cleaner.

Another notable aspect is the innovative CycloneForce technology that enhances the vacuum's performance. This technology helps in maintaining suction power by preventing clogging in the filter system. As a result, the vacuum operates effectively over extended periods, ensuring a consistent cleaning experience without frequent maintenance.

The VCC9560H3K models are equipped with a multi-layer filtration system, which is crucial for capturing allergens and microscopic particles. This makes them ideal for households with pets or individuals who suffer from allergies. The filters are designed to be washable and reusable, providing an eco-friendly solution that reduces the need for frequent replacements.

User convenience is further enhanced by the lightweight design and ergonomic handle of these vacuums. They are easy to maneuver around furniture and can be easily carried from one room to another. Additionally, the models feature a large dustbin capacity, allowing users to clean more without interruptions.

Innovative technologies such as the advanced brush system in these vacuums allow for efficient hair pickup, making them suitable for pet owners. The models also include various attachments and tools for tackling different cleaning tasks, from crevices to upholstery.

In conclusion, the Samsung VCC9560H3K/XSB, VCC9560H3K/XEV, and VCC9560H3K/SBW vacuums stand out due to their powerful suction, CycloneForce technology, multi-layer filtration system, and user-centric design. These features combine to deliver an effective and efficient cleaning solution that meets the diverse needs of modern households. Whether dealing with everyday messes or tackling deep cleaning tasks, these Samsung vacuum cleaners ensure a hassle-free experience, maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your living spaces.