Viewing photos or videos in Playback mode

Playing a slide show

Apply eects and audio to a slide show of your photos. The slide show function
does not work for videos.
1 In Playback mode, press [ ].
2 Select Slide Show Options.
3 Select a slide show eect option.
Skip to step 4 to start a slide show with no eects.
* Default
Option Description
Play Mode Set whether or not to repeat the slide show. (One Play*, Repeat)
• Set the interval between photos. (1 sec*, 3 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec)
• You must set the Eect option to O to set the interval.
Music Set background audio.
• Set a scene change eect between photos. (O, Calm*, Relax,
Lively, Sweet, Shine)
• Select O to cancel eects.
• When you use the Eect option, the interval between photos
will be set to 1 second.
4 Press [ ].
5 Select Start Slide Show.
6 View the slide show.
Press [ ] to pause the slide show.
Press [ ] again to resume the slide show.
Press [ ] to stop the slide show and return to Playback mode.
Rotate [Zoom] to the left or right to adjust the volume level.