Samsung WF1802WPC/YLP, WF1804WPY/YLP, WF1804WPC/YLP manual Mundarija


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kir yuvish mashinasini o’rnatish


kir yuvish


kir yuvish mashinasini tozalash va xizmat ko’rsatish


nosozliklarni izlash va bartaraf qilish va axborot kodlari


dasturlar jadvali




12_ mundarija

13Barcha qismlarning mavjudligini tekshirish

14O’rnatish talablariga muvofiqlik

14Elektr ta’minoti va yerga ulash

14Suvni quyish

15Suvni chiqarish

15Pol qoplamasi

15Atrof-muhit harorati

15Tokcha yoki javonga o’rnatish

15Kir yuvish mashinasini o’rnatish

21Birinchi kir yuvish

21Umumiy ko’rsatmalar

22Boshqarish panelini ishlatish

25Bolalardan qulflash

25Tovush signalini o’chirish

25Отложить стирку (Kir yuvish kechiktirish)

26Eco Bubble

27Sikllar ulagichini ishlatib kir yuvish

28Qo’lda kir yuvish rejimini o’rnatish

29Kir yuvish vositalari va qo’shimchalar to’g’risida ma’lumot

29Kir yuvish uchun kir yuvish vositalarni ishlatish

30Kir yuvish vositalari bo’linmasi

30Suyuq kir yuvish vositasidan foydalanish (tanlangan modellar)

31Очистка барабана Eco (Barabanni Eco tozalash)

32Kir yuvish mashinasidan suvni haloqatli chiqarish

33Kir yuvish vositalar bo’linmasini va bo’lim tokchasini tozalash

34Chiqindi filtrni tozalash

34Kir yuvish mashinasining tashqi yuzasini tozalash

35Suvni quyish shlangining to’rsimon filtrini tozalash

35Muzlab qolgan kir yuvish mashinasini ta’mirlash

35Kir yuvish mashinasini saqlash

36Quyidagi bandlarni tekshiring, agar kir yuvish mashinasi...

37Axborot kodlari

38Dasturlar jadvali

39Kiyimlar yorliqlaridagi belgilar ta’rifi

39Atrof-muhitni himoya qilish

39Xavfsizlik standatlariga javob berish

40Texnik tavsiflar

42Energetik samaradorligi

WF1804WP-03025T-09_UZ.indd 12

2014/8/25 11:06:02

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Samsung WF1802WPC/YLP, WF1804WPY/YLP, WF1804WPC/YLP manual Mundarija

WF1804WPC/YLP, WF1802WPC/YLP, WF1804WPY/YLP specifications

The Samsung WF1804WPY/YLP, WF1802WPC/YLP, and WF1804WPC/YLP washing machines represent a blend of advanced technology and user-friendly features, tailored to meet the washing needs of modern households. With a focus on efficiency and ease of use, these models stand out in the competitive washer market.

One of the main features of the Samsung WF1804 series is its impressive capacity, accommodating large laundry loads while maintaining outstanding washing performance. With a drum size of up to 8 kg, users can wash more clothes in fewer loads, saving both time and energy. This capability is particularly beneficial for families or individuals with busy lifestyles.

These washers are equipped with Samsung's EcoBubble technology, which generates bubbles to penetrate fabrics quickly, allowing for effective cleaning even in cold water. This not only saves energy but also helps to protect garments by reducing wear and tear compared to traditional washing methods. The EcoBubble function is especially advantageous for those who prioritize sustainability and want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Another notable characteristic is the Digital Inverter Motor, designed to minimize noise and vibrations during operation. This technology enhances the overall durability of the washer while providing a quieter, more efficient washing experience. The motor's energy efficiency can lead to significant savings on electricity bills over time.

The WF1804 series also incorporates a variety of innovative wash programs to cater to different fabric types and levels of dirtiness. Users can select the appropriate setting through an intuitive control panel, which makes operating the machine straightforward. Programs such as Quick Wash enable users to clean lightly soiled clothes in a fraction of the time, while delicate cycles ensure that fragile items are treated gently.

In terms of design, these washing machines feature a sleek and modern aesthetics, blending seamlessly into any laundry room. The clear digital display and control dial enhance user convenience, while the door's wide opening allows for easy loading and unloading of laundry.

Overall, the Samsung WF1804WPY/YLP, WF1802WPC/YLP, and WF1804WPC/YLP washing machines combine efficiency, performance, and user-friendliness, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable appliance that adapts to contemporary washing needs. Their focus on technology and design epitomizes Samsung's commitment to innovation in home appliances, making laundry day a hassle-free experience.